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Heart rate

Hi😊 so I was wandering if my heart rate of 135 is normal for a 18, not overweight girl. My resting heart rate is at 80-85 and I was just walking upstairs and I felt my heart beating really fast. 

I have to mention that 3 weeks ago, i almost have had a heart attack and a panic attack. 

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If you think you had a heart attack, or any serious cardiac issue, a Fitbit is not the right device to diagnose it, and the Fitbit community is not the right place where to consult. You should get attention from a medical professional: go see a doctor.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Definitely see a doctor. He'll likely get you to do an ECG,test your blood pressure and have your cholesterol levels checked to start.


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I'm curious about "almost have had a heart attack".  Was that medically diagnosed, or like someone comes up behind you and says "boo", and you are surprised and say 'You almost gave me a heart attack.'?

Before posting, re-read to see if it would make sense to someone else not looking at your Fitbit or phone.

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I am also wondering how one almost has a heart attack. I think you should start this conversation with your parents and let them help you decide the right course of action. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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@DanielleD25 If you had a panic attack, I believe that you were suffering from anxiety because there was a time that I felt my heart beating so fast and had panic attacks. But as my friends above mentioned, it's better if you visit a doctor for a better diagnosis. I know my post is late but anxiety and panic attacks can appear months or years later sometimes if we don't treat anxiety from the roots.


Running at least 30 minutes a day helped me to get rid of anxiety.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

Running with music makes you happy! Share Your Story

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