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How can a person average 80,000 steps in a day?


I don't mean to call anybody out or question somebody's integrity but there are fitbit users who average better than 75K steps a day over the course of a week. Assuming they get eight hours of sleep, that means they're walking almost 40 minutes each hour every hour of the day unless they're asleep. Every day for a week.


It is possible that they're running or training for a marathon or walking really fast or are really really into this walking thing but it seems like it is too much. Any way you do the math, it is an incredible amount of walking and it is sustained over the entire week.


What's the most anyone has ever walked in a day? How about in a week? 


I wonder what it would be like if I got up at five am and walked all day until midnight? Doing the math, it would theoretically be possible to break 100k but I don't think I could get anywhere near that. And 80k a day for a week seems too much too.


What do you think?


Moderator edit: Clarified subject. 

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801 REPLIES 801
Ann Tracin as documented in 'Born to Run' used to run 20+ miles to work,
run a little at lunch then run home and some days go for an evening run on
days she was feeling restless.... there are ppl who can do it but they are
Best Answer

I've know people who work in retail, walking the floor all day long. According to them, they might log 30,000 steps in a day, but 40,000 is a lot to  sustain day after day. 


For example, one day I went on a three hour hike. I then walked as I ran errands,  after which I walked downtown and back. The walk downtown is nearly two miles in one direction. I was on my feet throughout the day. 


According to my pedometer, I logged just under 33,000 steps that day. It felt like 50,000, but it was under 35,000.


My personal best is just over 42,000, and to achieve that I was in motion all day long from before the crack of dawn well into the evening. I even got up in the middle of the night to rebound! By the end of the day, I was exhausted.


Anything over 30,000 steps a day is a ton of work to maintain, even for warehouse workers and distance runners. Just put a pedometer in your pocket and you'll see (get a good, accurate one). I'm sure you log a lot of steps, but not 40,000 a day on the average. 

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On a work day I get 20000 most of the time in and 8 hr day!!! Days off lol luck if I hit 2000!!! My best day I think was 32000 something and I work in a manufacturing plant so I'm always moving!!!

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Makes you wonder 😀

Sent from my LG Mobile
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Exactly. Even 20,000 steps a day is an accomplishment for an active person.
80,000 steps, especially as an average, strains belief. No thinking person
would accept that number.

Either those high count steppers are cheating, consciously or
unconsciously, or they're manually entering exercises and grossly
overestimating steps taken, the way we all overestimate calories burned
during exercise and underestimate calories consumed during meals.
Best Answer

Overestimate calories burned, Underestimate Calories consumed, Gimpycat - have you been spying on me???? 😉 

If Fitbit could be programmed to track how many times fork/spoon goes to face and then sound off like the police with a bullhorn, "DROP THE FORK,  step away from the table!" 

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Hi. I have been spotting these accounts recently, that just don’t add up. 
there is one example of a user who posted her daily step count as 559,000 and Ofcourse I had to question this. 
I am fairly active and my daily average is around 16,000. 
I occasionally have a super active day including a 5k morning run and I have reached 30k daily step count. I would burn around 4000 calories and walk around 15 miles. I am no athlete but I know for sure that someone who supposedly achieved this crazy amount of steps would have burnt atleast tens of thousands calories but this particular person had supposedly reached over 500,000 steps and burnt 1,700 calories. 
Im no mathematician but this is fake. 
It’s not the first one I have seen like this. 
Athlete or not people are cheating their stats to get these figures. 

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I agree I gave up wondering. There's always going to be cheats in the world. I've decided they're not worth our attention. Have a great day.


Believe it or not there's been many people come to their defense. Go figure.



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As a picker (power walking 9hrs a day) I only get 50k steps max (unfortunately can't take my fitbit in 😭) 80 just seems to be mental

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Haha...this wasn't Fitbit user "Fit&Lit", was it?  Last time I saw her, she was 'averaging' around 120K/day, for months on end, and working up to a million step week.  All while 'putting her family first', of course.


Yeah, the math on that 559K claim is ridiculous...over 23,000 steps/hr for 24 hours straight.  And the calorie count also tells you that they're clueless.



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Wow that's a busy lady. I logged just over 42,000 miles one day, and I was
moving from well before dawn until late in the evening. But she supposedly
did three times as much. Busy busy.
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Not sure about these totals unless you don't do anything else like work because I'm retired and in one day the best I've done is walk the dogs, played golf and walked the dogs again and I've only managed 25,000 steps in one day and 101,000 in one week. I'm 58 years old and thinking I'm doing ok???

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Hi, we are the same age😎 Sounds like your doing a little better than ok. Sometimes I work 12-hour days Always On My Feet my best was 35000. But it's not worth arguing over, people think they do 80,000 let him think that. And I am looking forward to retirement even though I love my work.

Sent from my LG Mobile
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0 Votes
Alfie1961: All one has to do is walk at 120 steps per minutes for 13 and
1/2 hours and not have a job, family responsibilities, home
responsibilities. if you think a person can do this for 7 days per week,
52 weeks per year for 3-4 years, I have a little used Bridge to sell you!
Best Answer
Thanks for the support, once I get rid of my sciatica and playing golf
again and walking the dogs I should be back to 80-90k, sometimes more, a
week which I think is plenty of exercise for any normal person that does
not make exercise a main objective.
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Hi, I actually work in warehousing as a picker, I'm not allowed to wear my fitbit but I have worn a pedometer multiple times, on work days (4x10hr shifts per week) I get between 40k to 45k, on my days off I'm only at about 10k-15k. The reason I asked is because I wanted to see if the people averaging 80k per day were being honest or not (I posted before I was allowed a pedometer on shift) 


No, I was looking at the average daily steps, I just don't understand how it's possible to walk that much in a day. I spend 10hrs 4x a week at a power walk and on those days I can get about 40k-45k, so I'm baffled as to how someone could double that and continue it for a whole week, maintaining my work day steps on my days off would **ahem** near kill me



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Alfie1961: I agree, 80-90K steps per week is more than adequate. I'm
almost 2 years post surgery for a Double Lumbar fusion for Lt Leg pain.
Hope you get over the Sciatica.
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This has to be the most prolific thread on Fitbit ever!!!

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through yoga-diet and phyical therapy really just started to dissappear after 15 months. You know how that goes , comes and goes..false hope ets. This time is different, i hope, so far 6 weeks pain free.


definitely, almost wish I hadent\'t responded to it



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I think you’re doing very well! My own personal goal is 12K day, and i do manage that 90% of the time; albeit with effort. I try to get 100K/wk but don’t always get the mark. My personal record is 35K which i got in once few years ago; took too much effort and time; I don’t want to get too obsessive. Try to get in some weight too.

Whatever we do is good; much better than sitting on the couch.

Keep up the good work!
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