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How do I find the seconds to my run??

I logged my run as 45 minutes, but I cannot find where the seconds are supposed to be? It definitely was not 45 minutes exactly. How do I find this on the app? Was not a problem with the old design, it seems to be with the new update, seconds do not show 😕

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@runninggirly47 apparently, seconds are gone. Just checked one of my runs:


3 hours and 14 min but no seconds. Before, it was possible to see real duration in Edit view but now it's just weird:


It shows duration as 194 minutes. No seconds. That makes it totally useless for running 

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Same issue here, ran this morning and no seconds. I phoned support and they told me the new update has removed seconds. Totally bonkers for the fitness tracker to not allow you to accurately track your run! I will have to sell this and move over to the smart watch which shows the seconds, which is every other brand! Lol real shame as ive wasted £300. The bright spark at fitbit who thought taking seconds away from the run time was a sensible idea needs to be fired! Let me state this again "fitbit do not let you track seconds, so you have no idea if you are getting faster, it doesn't do what is says on the box!" 

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Purchased a Garmin, way better. Lost my business for good. 

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Thanks everyone for your replies - A real big shame they have taken away seconds from the run. The 'smart' person who made that decision is definitely not a runner. Will look into another watch - FitBit has lost me as a customer lol.

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I am now looking into a Garmin. Which one did you go for? Is the app a good design?? Is there much difference?

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@runninggirly47 the app is different and there is a learning curve to it but as a runner, you won't be disappointed. There are constantly new features introduced for endurance athletes (like recently, hill score and endurance score).

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This is a UI issue, not a tracking issue. If you upload the Fitbit data into another app, the seconds are there. As such, this SHOULD be something that Fitbit can easily fix.

Utterly stupid decision though. Like someone else said... Design decisions being made by people who don't actually use the device!

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Agreed. This is an utterly stupid decision by Google /Fit but team.

The lack of seconds in a fitness tracker for runs is totally bonkers.

-Another dissatisfied customer. 




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I see seconds on the dashboard log.  No seconds on the Android app.


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@YachatsMike true, but mind that the duration in the web dashboard also has issues:


The difference may be several seconds. The duration under the chart is the one matching what's recorded in the TCX file.


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What a crap story, also going to Garmin since with the updates I cannot properly track my runs anymore. Just listen to the customers instead of ignoring them.

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Hi there, was having the same issue and my husband suggested it could be Fitbit’s way of forcing people to sign in through Google (like they have been trying to get me to do for months and months). So I chanced signing in with Google and it worked!! I have seconds back again! Very sneaky though Fitbit! 

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The new design is not fun. Im still trying to figure it out 😞 

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When I use the Walk exercise, I can read it off my Inspire 3 after I press
Finish but before I press Done.
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Nope, did that and on the iOS app still doesn’t show seconds. As other posters mentioned - this is a UI change, probably rebuilding h the app on the google platform after the switch from Fitbits system after the takeover. Definitely a backwards step and a real shame as shows the lack of interest in what the product is about and more a data grab. The underlying dat is there but a simple UI setting hasn’t been applied. I hope they fix it soon as it’s not a serious fitness device without this sort of detail. Anyone know if I can transfer 10 years of Fitbit data to Garmin? 🤨

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I can get it right off my watch if I started it as an exercise and haven't
pressed DONE yet.
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I went to my account using my phone's web browser. Went to my activity page. Saved that page to my home screen.



Now I can pull up the seconds when I need to.

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considering you now have to pull up a browser to see something that the app provided BEFORE Google replaced it as part of their takeover of Fitbit, this isn't the best user experience journey. It clearly still records the decimal number - it's a VERY simple display item within the app that hasn't reached their developers to change it - or - as someone has already posted - the dev that developed this new interface and the QA that tested it against the previous app's features aren't really runners.................. This is a retrogressive step by Google and shows the focus isn't on the 'fit' bit of the product anymore...

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HUGE MISS BY FITBIT WHEN THEY REMOVED THE SECONDS FROM THE APP....The basis for my training is to beat previous run times including splits. If I don't beat the minutes number I check to see if I beat the seconds number.

You'd think the makers of a exercise smartwatch wouldn't have to be told that a runner would need to know the full time of a training run INCLUDING SECONDS.

Thanks to this thread I was able to find the seconds for a run by logging into my account on the Fitbit web site. I shouldn't have to go to the web site for important information like the complete time of a training run.

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