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How do people average 50000 steps per day?


Who has the time to average 50,000 steps a day!? How can this be possible?



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I doubt It! But go ahead and try.
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Do you ever get bored? I do 4-5 miles per day on a treadmill. I could go more but I get bored. I'm doing the AT virtually (under walk4fun or something like that). It's fun but I should do more. Knees don't hold up well~~❤️:united_states:.


Do you ever get bored? I do 4-5 miles per day on a treadmill. I could go more but I get bored. I'm doing the AT virtually (under walk4fun or something like that). It's fun but I should do more. Knees don't hold up well~~




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No I couldn't be bothered doing it on a treadmill.  I walk in gorgeous places with beautiful views of the harbour or the sea, or in woodlands along winding paths that you lead you on 'round the next corner.  On a treadmill I need a good movie to keep me moving - otherwise I am clock-watching the whole time.  Life is too short to spend a single minute of it being bored.  

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Right.  Some people, like me, are retired and have no life.  I'd love to work my way up to the 100K.  Not on a daily basis to walk that but just once before I die.  I have no obligations and no in any relationship at all so going all day is no biggie for me.  I already get up and walk 30 minutes, sit 30 mintues and so on several times a day.  I do set my steps to undercalculate though (long story about my flex 2 on that) but I am feeling so much better.  It's nice to see people getting up and moving about.  🙂

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I agree with you 100%. Wish we all had the time and money to travel to all
those places. That's the best way to hike..
John Bomhoff
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I walked thru a whole football game once on treadmill. Unless I'm on a trail in the woods with friends, I do not enjoy walking outside. Long story. But, I keep on truckin' as they say. Goal is to have a treadmill in my house one day and get rest of steps doing yard work, etc or watching on beach during off season.


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Yes it is. I still hope to set up a treadmill in front of a TV one day; then I know I'll get at least two episodes of something in............. Yardwork added in and I'm all set.


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Yes it is. I still hope to set up a treadmill in front of a TV one day; then I know I'll get at least two episodes of something in............. Yardwork added in and I'm all set.


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@MoonstoneWolf have you joined any of the Fitbit Community groups?  I think you should.  You make great friends there, and walk "together", playing games and attempting challenges, sharing triumphs and disappointments.  I suggest you join "60 Plus Trackers and Chatters!".  Brilliant.

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@MoonstoneWolf.  Hi again.  I should have included a link to the group, what a goose.  Here it is:  60 Plus Trackers and Chatters!





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My dad has done this, Hes 63 and retired. He beats me 27yrs old and everyone else in the challenge basically every week. He mall walks for  approx. 3 hours every morning. He comes home and watches CNN and walks in place sometimes or goes to my grandmas house and does work. He walks most of he day and hes so competitive that when he sees someone getting close he will get up and start walking or put in an extra hour at the mall. 

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@MoonstoneWolf wrote:

Right.  Some people, like me, are retired and have no life.  I'd love to work my way up to the 100K.  Not on a daily basis to walk that but just once before I die.  I have no obligations and no in any relationship at all so going all day is no biggie for me.  I already get up and walk 30 minutes, sit 30 mintues and so on several times a day.  I do set my steps to undercalculate though (long story about my flex 2 on that) but I am feeling so much better.  It's nice to see people getting up and moving about.  🙂

That's my goal too, to hit 100,000 steps at least just once in a day. 🙂


I do a lot of reading while walking since I don't watch TV, and routinely hit 25,000-40,000 steps per day. I think my highest day was 60,000 but that was pretty intense.

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Have achieved 50,000 steps once!!! Enough to leave superman exhausted! I'm not an athlete, but have four little babies,  that love their walkies!!  My dogs on a good day are walked about 5 miles,  I have a physical job and I like to think,  I'm active enough!!!! 50,000 for an athlete on a daily basis,  yes,  to be nearly expected.   For the likes of me,  sore,  tired,  hungry, HAPPY.   It will be 6 months,  I reckon before I get 50,000 steps again! 





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I remember my first 50,000 steps @Fluffmuff41  I stopped at a park bench 3 kms from home, about 3k steps short, and could not get up - I had no energy left.  If it had been by a road I would have called for a lift home.  But it wasn't.  So I had to get up and walk.  I made it home exhausted and exhilarated.  Then I made plans for the next level and kept on going ....  


Make a plan, and you can do anything.  I can now do 100,000 steps in a day if I choose, with planning.  But it's a whole-of-day commitment.  Can't work that day, or mind kids, or garden.  


I love the project - make a plan, work the plan, achieve a goal.

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It's a valide question. Don't think the rest of your comment was necessary. 

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@Aduarte wrote:

It's a valide question. Don't think the rest of your comment was necessary. 

To whom are you responding?

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I did 50k steps two consecutive days. It was tiresome, your feet aches and it takes the joy out of walking... not fun. 

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I did 50k steps two consecutive days once. It was tiresome, your feet aches and it takes the joy out of walking... not fun. 

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Agree. I want to walk every day and enjoy it. I'm doing a virtual AT walk right now. I do 4-7 miles a day am having a blast. 🚶🏼‍:female_sign:🚶🏼‍:female_sign:🚶🏼‍:female_sign:

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Wow! Good for you!

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