01-27-2016 08:09
01-27-2016 08:09
01-27-2016 08:36
01-27-2016 08:36
Excellent work! Definitely take the time to enjoy the milestone. If you want to aim for 11K, that's good too, but so is achieving 10K again. At the end, you are moving more, which is the real achievement in itself 🙂
01-27-2016 08:37
01-27-2016 08:37
Way to go! Just listen to your body (joints, heart etc.). Progression is key: there’s no need for you to set absolute goals that are not currently realistic. Set yourself a realistic weekly goal, and try to increase it little by little over time. As to results on the scale: all things being equal (eating the same as while sedentary), you should see them, again over time. It’s just that a single day doesn’t matter that much. What matters is consistency.
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
02-09-2016 09:03
02-09-2016 09:03
@Robcorc Congratulations on your achievement!
02-09-2016 09:22
02-09-2016 09:22
@Robcorc wrote:
...for the first time, and I couldn't feel prouder. And a bit intimidated. Yikes! Can I do this regularly? Will I feel challenged to reach 11,000 now? Will I see results on the scale? Those are all rhetorical, internal questions to myself that reflect the intimidation; no one need reply to the, specifically.
I have come a loooong way in a month. WOOT!
Congrats on your milestone! Eating the right carbs for energy and drinking plenty of water you should be able to increase your daily steps.
02-09-2016 09:25
02-09-2016 09:25
Woo Hoo! Congrats @Robcorc
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
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