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I am very Lazy to do some fitness activity

Hey guys, I am gaining so much weight in the last 6 months what should I do to reduce my weight faster.

I was thinking to do some horse riding early morning as my cousin has 2 horses. Surely, it will not help me to lose weight but can be the best thing to start with. Last week I have purchased some accessories such as lead rope for horses, lunge lines, and Halters.

please suggest to me a way win over my laziness. 


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Any activity that you enjoy is the bast way to start!  I know from the way my leg muscles have felt after trying horseback riding that it can be exercise!  If you had in grooming the horse afterwards it will give your arms a bit of a workout too.

The best way of losing weight is to combine activity - it doesn’t have to be crazy or exhausting - and watching what and when you eat!  Exercise alone probably won’t do it, but with the combination of diet and exercise you should begin to see progress.

Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android

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Well Alex you have two things going here. to lose weight you have to focus on what you eat and the portions. To avoid laziness you need to involve yourself in any activity that brings you joy. you don't have to exercise to lose weight, but it does help and it for sure keeps the body tuned and working at optimum levels. And you don't have to watch what you eat to not be lazy. I think horseback riding is a great activity if you love it. just make sure the schedule you make for yourself is one that you can stick to and it will make you happy. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Hi @Alex786 

The main factor in losing weight is what you eat (calories consumed). Sometimes focusing on making one small change at a time can help. 


As far as exercise, I would try to find activities that you enjoy 🙂


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Not much to add. Believe it or not but even the fanatics of fitness get lazy from time to time. It just lies in our nature. The hardest bit is to start doing something but once you began to it goes on autopilot. There is a reason so many people cannot work out at home and need a gym. Once you step through the gym door something clicks and you are in "exercise mode", the laziness is gone. The hardest part is getting into the gym. And it is the same for pretty much any activity. Even I am guilty here. I love running yet sometimes I can't get through to even start. Last weekend I had a plan for a long run but couldn't get out of bed early morning, just didn't feel it. Eventually, I ended up... binge-watching two seasons of "The Orville". It happens to everyone and there is no need to beat yourself about it. Find your way to start doing things. Some kind of routine. I will give you an example. I run during lunchtime but found out that often I get lazy to go and get changed into the running gear. My office is rather cold and it just makes me not want to run. My way is just wearing my running gear since morning. 12pm, lunch, just put shoes on (no need to leave my desk to do it, I'm already changed for running) and go outside. Works well and got used to that. When I'm dressed for running it just feels not right not to run. it's a matter of mindset. You may look for some preparation routine for yourself that sets your mind toward your activity. That usually helps.

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