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Kicking the soda habbit

So it is officially time for me to try and kick this habbit, I've tried a few times before and always caved after a few days.... the cravings always get to me and usually the lack of sleep and wanting more caffeine for that extra boost.  Anyone have any tips on things I can try to help me stay on track and away from soda? I would do the whole just no buying it thing, but considering I'm not living alone at the moment and the others constantly keep it around/in the fridge it's just one of those things that's easy to snag and go. 

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Do you think it's a craving for soda, or a craving for caffeine? Do you get headaches if you give up soda too quickly?


Things to try:


slowly cut back. If you drink 2 litres a day now (I have friends that did drink that much a day!), cut to 1.5, then 1.25 L, 1 L, .75 L, 1/2 L, 1 cup etc. Don't just go cold turkey.


-substitute unhealthy soft drinks with healthier versions. The health food store where I live (I live in Canada, btw) has a soda/ cola alternative called Zevia. No sugar, just stevia added.


-made a fizzy drink alternative at home. Get club soda and add small amounts of fruit juice to lightly sweeten your drink. It won't have nearly as much sugar and none of the additional chemicals.


Good luck!

“The game is afoot.” ― Sherlock Holmes, Adventure of the Abbey Grange
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My bad soda habbit is taking my 100oz mug to AM/PM and gtting a refill. I am telliong myself after I use my free refill card I am going to quit sodas cold turkey. I think I will start drinking the Naked juices more. They are a lot more expensive, but if I drink one serving per day, I don't think it would be too bad on the wallet.

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I had a big problem with sode years ago too.  I was able to stop drinking it by sheer willpower but not everyone can.  Don't beat yourself up because you caved in and had one - just start over.  I drink mostly water now, sometimes with lemon or lime juice added and coffee.  Once in a while I have a soda now and it's a treat - like it was when I was a kid!   Keep up the good work.

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I quit drinking sodas back in1997 and have not had one since. Back then I was drinking nothing but coke or fresca, (no water). I was working on a roof during the hot part of the day without drinking any water and had a heat stroke and almost fell off the roof. After a docotrs visit which confirmed the fact that drinking soda is not a replacement for water I quit cold turkey that day and have not looked back since.

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