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List of activities



Does anyone know if there is a list with all the activities that are available in Fitbit? 

Sometimes I do a sportsclass/activity (like steps, poledancing, snowboarding) that isn't integrated in the Fitbit activities so just try some similar stuff that doesn't always match my actual activity (like skiing instead of snowboarding). However, sometimes it's hard to even find an appropriate similar type of activity...  It would be great if there was a list with al the activities Fitbit does potentially track so you know what you get to choose from. Anyone know if this list exists and where to find it?

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I tend to use the generic "Workout" activity for this kind of things. You don’t have to "tell" your Fitbit everything you do for it to take your activity into account: whatever you’re doing, it’s still picking up your HR, the intensity of your movements, impacts etc., even if you don’t log any activity on it. You will therefore be credited with calories burned, active minutes, steps (if applicable) etc., based on what your Fitbit were able to pick up.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Wally_S.. hey there. if you want to see the 15 activities that you can choose, you can check out this post.. it is the first reply to the question..15 activities. However, as Dominique pointed out, it is just the name. It doesn't change the effort, calories, steps, etc of what you did.

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Hi guys! I'd just like to share this help article, which provides more information about the workouts or activities available.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

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