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Looking for anyone with MS

Looking for others with MS who are trying to get stronger, to share goals and encourage each other.
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One week into the Wahls protocol diet. 

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I also have MS and it is a struggle to try and lose weight for me. One of my problems with MS is vertigo so it is very hard to exercise. I get out and walk my dog but that is about all I do for exercise. How are you doing? Are your symptoms manageable? I was diagnosed in 1995 and I am 56 years old. I have the relapsing/remitting MS. Overall I manage pretty well. I am on Tecfidera and love not having to give myself shots anymore. MS has also caused me to have nystagmus (jumping eyes) which causes the vertigo. Staying positive is the way I cope with my problems.
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Undiagnosed in 2003 I struggled to be a normal person.Dr was saying many things: low T, etc. it want until we moved to Colorado then did a weekend getaway that I went down hill, fast! Multiple symptoms numbness, equilibrium, confusion, eyes crossing, couldn't read, etc. swelling around the brain stem. Steroids fixed most, luckily! Tried a couple bad med tysabrI, another shot three times a week. Felt bad so stop. Too many hours feeling bad. Want to feel good during my life so I keep active, my diet is organic non gmo meat , fruits, and vegetables only. No dairy or grain, sugar, breads or canned foods. Not easy since you have to look at labels where they may hide bad stuff


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Oh I know all about steroids and have had them many times through IV. They work but the side effects are horrible. One episode left my right side paralyzed so was in the hospital for about a month. With steroids and then PT I got all use back. I am trying to walk at least 10,000 steps a day but so e days I don't make it. Any exercise helps so I will keep walking. Good luck to you on your journey and I hope the Fitbit is helping you. I really like it.
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Hi. I've just noticed your post from April last year and I'm wondering how you are doing? I also have MS (20 years) and I am definately trying to get stronger, healthier and happier!

I started in a gym twice a week, using a vibrating plate (Gallileo) with an instructor. I have become much stronger since starting this and am nw able to walk unaided. This means that I can now go out by myself and do lots of different activities.

Hope you have found a way to get stronger as well.

Sue X


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I also have MS and would love to share the fitness journey with friends who are also contending with MS.

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I have MS too- 13 years.  

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I'm trying to do Wahls too.  How is it going for you??  What level are you on?

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