03-01-2018 04:58
03-01-2018 04:58
March Madness -- Monthly Step Challenge
Time for a new monthly challenge. I may add some variation related to the collage basketball tournament coming up this month in the US, but for now just the standard stuff.
How It Works:
The primary purpose of these challenges has been to keep track of your daily step goals for the month; though we tend to track other things as well, like body weight exercises, sleep, trips to the gym, logging food, etc. This is not a competition to see who can do the most of whatever, instead it is a challenge to measure your consistency. So whether you do 1k, 5k, 10k or even 40k steps a day, this is measuring how many days out of the monthly total you can hit your goal.
Some might have a constant goal of 10k steps every single day and others might have a variable goal throughout the week, for example.
Monday -> Friday = 10k steps a day
Sat & Sun = 6k steps a day
Regardless of how you structure your daily goals, the only thing that matters for this challenge is whether or not you reach what you set out to do.
The March Madness Variation.
Will there be one? I have an idea perculating, but thoughts are welcome.
Suggested Posting Format
1) Post either your constant or variable step goal.
2) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved out of the monthly minimum and or monthly total
Injury Notice
If you injure yourself during the month and need to scale back due to the injury, then all you have to do is adjust your goal for that period. If you normally do 10k steps a day but pull a hamstring and decide to do minimal walking (2k steps a day), then all you have to do is change your goal.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
03-29-2018 06:42
03-29-2018 06:42
29 March if I manage 10,000 steps tomorrow and the next day I am just going to squeak my months goals in without taking any sick leave lol. Havent had any soy milk for over a week and I am surprised at how good and energetc I feel. It must have been taking its toll before I realised it was being a problem
Step Goal 1/3 21/23
Swim 1/1 9/8
Fitbit Coach/Bike -/1 4/4
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
03-29-2018 08:09
03-29-2018 08:09
March 28 - 6587
28 day average 13554
Days >10K 27/26
Dots - 307/310
One more day on my weekend to get everything done. ACK. Still have to buy the soil and transplant the strawberries. And hopefully plant peas although that is a little late.
03-29-2018 10:59
03-29-2018 10:59
March 29
15K step/day: 29/31
1 pushup/day: 29/31
16 weight-lifting days: 15/16
12 6+hour sleep days: 10/12
Well, with only two more days left in the month, it is looking like I might have been a little optimistic on the sleep goal Still, I work from home tomorrow and the last is the weekend, so I can stay in bed a bit longer than on commuting days. Maybe I can still get it.
I'm starting to think about my April goals, and a name or a theme for the challenge .... It's a reset month for a lot of people who set unrealistic goals in January; though @Ennay reminds me it is a time of year that brings brand new challenges too. Sorry about the allergies!
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
03-29-2018 12:50
03-29-2018 12:50
March 29
Steps 10,000/day x 10/15 days
Lifting Weights x 9/15 days
Trampoline 15-min x 9/15 days
Sleep 7+ hours x 10/15 days
Lose 2.5 kg - currently 68.9kg - only 1.2 kg loss.
A bit disappointed in not meeting my goals this time around, but I think (more or less) two out of three ain’t bad (=+/- 66%). Sorry for all your sleep, illness, allergies, and other bumps in the road y’all had this month, too. On top of all my other detractors, I developed shingles. It’s not the first time I’ve had it, so I know ‘this, too, will pass.’ In case I don’t manage to post again this week, I wish everyone a very Happy Easter and/or Passover. And good health and fitness!!!
03-29-2018 12:54
03-29-2018 13:39
03-29-2018 13:39
@GershonSurgeI like that suggestion!
March 39
13K steps/day 27/31
Exercise bike 40 minutes/day 29/31
Boxing 30 Minutes/day 29/31
12 weight lifting days 13/13
Stomach exercises 200 a day with Ab roller 29/31
13 days Yoga/Pilates 13/13
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
03-30-2018 06:00
03-30-2018 06:00
30 March
Step Goal 2/3 22/23
Swim 1/1 9/8
Fitbit Coach/Bike -/1 4/4
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
03-30-2018 07:09
03-30-2018 07:09
April Fool's Challenge. 🙂
I can work with that 🙂
Thanks @GershonSurge
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
03-30-2018 07:42
03-30-2018 07:42
OK, Fools. I have started the April Challenge.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
03-30-2018 08:06
03-30-2018 08:06
March 29 -19459
Days>10K :28/26
Dots: 316/310
I went for a walk yesterday morning before starting in on my garden. THIS time the gardening registered as steps because I had to haul some compost/dirt from my driveway to the beds and turn the soil to mix it in. My wrist did better than expected. My dog took out my knee though so back to half squats. My garden has been neglected for close to two years since I tore my wrists July of 2016. I had the garden already in that year but had to stop doing much work. This is the first half. The second half has a while before it NEEDS done.
After - strawberries & peas
03-30-2018 08:10
03-30-2018 08:10
Looks awesome @Ennay That wad hard work.
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
03-30-2018 08:52
03-30-2018 08:52
@Ennay — ditto what @WendyB said. It looks awesome! Love the idea of peas and strawberries, too. What comes next?
We have a damp and shady back yard, but a bright and sunny terrace. It gets too hot for some plants; but tomatoes and other veggies and herbs do well out there. Have started tomatoes from seed. No pics to show yet (and no comparison to your lovely garden patch!).
@Baltoscott (& @GershonSurge) — count me in on the April Challenge. Or... maybe I ought to take a look first!!! 🤫
03-30-2018 09:17
03-30-2018 09:17
@Jotex- I'm scaling back a bit by having the strawberries take 2 full beds instead of 1/3 bed. My son plays competitive baseball and it kills the summer! I am going to do carrots. A LOT of carrots as it is the only veggie my daughter likes and it is one that is really noticeably better from the garden and very pricey at the farmer's market. I will do tomatoes for eating (ditto better and expensive) but probably 8 plants instead of 27 and I will buy canning tomatoes from a local farmer if I decide I have the time and energy to can. Then I will have enough space for maybe some eggplant and cucumber.
I am not doing squash this year. It takes a lot of space and people are always giving it away! I have to do most of my stuff from starts because we have a very short growing season here and I dont have room inside for grow-lights. My husband accidentally killed off all my perennial herbs last year so I will probably restart those. I dont get enough sun hours for peppers but a lot of the locals do. I considered rejoining a CSA this year and just doing strawberries, peas and carrots.
03-30-2018 10:08
03-30-2018 10:08
@Ennay -- thanks a lot for sharing what's happening in your garden patch. My Dad's family were migrant farmers when he was growing up, and years later in the city, he always had a few things growing in Mom's flower bed (hot peppers were his and my favorites!) or okra behind the back fence. I was the only one of his four kids who learned to love gardening. I agree about those carrots tasting better than supermarket (non-organic) ones. I feel the same about cucumbers, too. SO much better when they're organic.
Good luck on it all, and keep us posted from time-to-time on your progress, please. 😊
03-30-2018 15:19
03-30-2018 15:19
March 30
15K step/day: 30/31
1 pushup/day: 30/31
16 weight-lifting days: 16/16
12 6+hour sleep days: 10/12
Won’t make the sleep goal for the month (The dogs don’t seem to want to take advantage of later wake up times on non-commuting days!). But I did get the last weight-lifting day in this morning.
The garden looks great @Ennay. I think we’ve got snow coming on Monday, though Jane and I are headed to San Diego for the week then.
Scott | Baltimore MD
Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro
03-31-2018 05:07 - edited 03-31-2018 05:08
03-31-2018 05:07 - edited 03-31-2018 05:08
31 March Just squeeked in with my goals. Not too bad as I was pretty crook a couple of times during the month. So happy with how I went overall. @Ennay the garden looks great!
Step Goal 3/3 23/23
Swim 1/1 9/8
Fitbit Coach/Bike 1/1 5/4
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
03-31-2018 08:05
03-31-2018 08:05
March 30 - 13804
Days >10K 29/26
Dots: 328/310
Walked to work last night - I am so proud of these kids! (OMG I am old enough to call college students KIDS) Our children's theatre director retired with very little notice and there are a couple college kids who have been her assistant over the last couple years. They ran the spring break camp alone with 24 children ages 7-14 and I think the end of camp performance was one of the best I've seen. The kids all had a great time. Walking to work again this morning to teach our lightboard to a new (to us) light designer. I hate eating breakfast this early! I usually get up super early but don't eat until about 9:30.
My dog is not a fan of the fit bit. My recliner and snuggles time has drastically reduced.
03-31-2018 10:52
03-31-2018 10:52
That's great on the Kids @Ennay
Poor puppy
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
03-31-2018 12:43
03-31-2018 12:43
Forgot to post yesterday
March 31
13K steps/day 29/31
Exercise bike 40 minutes/day 31/31
Boxing 30 Minutes/day 31/31
12 weight lifting days 13/13
Stomach exercises 200 a day with Ab roller 31/31
13 days Yoga/Pilates 13/13
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
03-31-2018 12:56
03-31-2018 12:56
March 31
Steps 10,000/day x 11/15 days —14,000 today
Lifting Weights x 10/15 days
Trampoline 15-min x 9/1015 days
Sleep 7+ hours x 11/15 days
Lose 2.5 kg - currently 68.9kg - only 1.2 kg loss.
Made my steps, etc. today despite visitors coming and going, shopping for long weekend (Incl Easter Monday), and making/canning 8 jars of Texas style Salsa. Yiihaa!