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New Fitbit tile for Nutrition

Who else would be like to see a new tile that gave you your total fat, carb, and protien intake with percentages?  For me, I'd know if I have to modify my diet for a particular day based upon the percentages that I am trying to adhere to.  Would be very helpful.

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Not sure if you know this or not but there actually is a section that will tell you that. 

If you are on the Fitbit Dashboard and click "see more" on your calories eaten tile, you will see the breakdown for daily calorie consumption percentages for everything that you mentioned Smiley Happy

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Thank you and, yes I do know about that.  I'm just looking for an "at-a-glance" quick, no-click, display of that information.

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I think that would be great.  I like having everything accessible at the dashboard.

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I would like to see that on the app! It would make balencing diet through out the day easier. 

Outlaw trying to live on the righteous side of hell.
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I would like to see a Carb tile. I watch Carbs more than calories.



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I would love this.  It would be nice to see at a glance where I need to step it up or rein it in a bit without having to go to the food log every time.


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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I just leave one of the tabs on my iphone browser on All I have to do is open, hit refresh and then I get my breakdown. Pretty easy.

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Hello. It's great to see you in the Community. If anyone would like to place a suggestion to improve the Fitbit experience, the best place is the Feature Request board. Thanks for sharing your great ideas. Cat Very Happy

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I would like to see those break downs against goals or suggested ideal intakes. I would even like to see it go further and break down and track against ideal intakes for vitamins/minerals.

@RicInCT wrote:

Who else would be like to see a new tile that gave you your total fat, carb, and protien intake with percentages?  For me, I'd know if I have to modify my diet for a particular day based upon the percentages that I am trying to adhere to.  Would be very helpful.


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