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Newbie Alert - GPS, RunKeeper & making the most of FitBit

Hello all,


So like many others on the ofrums recently I acquired a self gifted Fitbit Charge 2 today to try and break me out of my sedentary lifestyle and hopefully help me achieve a weight goal.


I started running last year but had to stop due to a knee injury, during this time I didn't use wearable tech and only used RunKeeper via their couch to 5k program they did. I found this method of training quite suited me and I saw the results so hoping to do the same so my question is, do I use RunKeeper alongside Fitbit or something like the official Couch to 5k app or just what? I'd like to keep a GPS track of my runs if possible so I can see where I ran and find out which sectors/sections im tiring in (im not usre Fitbit offers this insight?)


Any further advice would be great!

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If you are able to keep your phone with you during your runs, @CNSam, I would recommend that you use the Charge 2 Exercise Mode for RUN so that it will use the Connected GPS of your phone to map your run.


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