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Question on Working Out

I just started using a Kettle Ball and I am sore, question, should I continue do this every day being I am sore, or wait a day or two.  New to this and not sure about this whole muscle soreness thing.  Thank you  🙂

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Hi @sclark19,


Kettlebells are pretty cool, aren't they? Kettlebell swings are one of my favorite exercises.


I would recommend starting out 3 days a week with them. That will give a day off between two workouts, and two days off between the third. That's plenty of time for recovery.  You can gradually add a day if you want quicker results or more of a challenge.


Muscle soreness comes along with the territory. It does get better after a few weeks or months as your body adapts. I probably get sore maybe 10-20% of the time now. Early on, I was sore all the time.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm always happy to see people taking to weight training. I feel it's especially beneficial for women and old farts like me. 🙂

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Thank you!  I took Sunday off and did had at it again on Monday.  I made it through the workout again 🙂  I love it 🙂  Not near as sore as the 1st time, so I am taking that as a good thing.

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@sclark19 In addition.. just make sure you are paying attention to your body- there is a big difference between sore, which is good, to pain which is not good. If you are sore than taking a day between or working a different set of muscles is the right way to go. Your muscles need to recover so they can perform in top shape for you. If sore turns to pain- you want to stop doing what you were and switch to something completely different until you heal. The only thing you gain from real pain is more pain.

Elena | Pennsylvania

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@sclark19 wrote:

Thank you!  I took Sunday off and did had at it again on Monday.  I made it through the workout again 🙂  I love it 🙂  Not near as sore as the 1st time, so I am taking that as a good thing.

Without info on what exercises you are doing it's hard to judge.


You can go 5 days a week if you split out body parts (arms, legs, chest), the key is to have at least 48 hours of rest before doing the same part/exercises.  

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Depends what kind of sore. Its most likely just delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS are expected when starting out a new exercise for the first time. From experience it always hits me hardest on the second day! 


I would suggest taking a couple of days off to let your muscles recover, then you'll really be able to maximize your workout the next time round. Eventually, you'll get stronger and your muscles will adapt to that specific exercise, then you can look at upping the volume / intensity. 


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I started kettlebells and aim for 3 times a week.  I find it a very difficult workout, but my bells are heavy for me.  I have them on loan from a friend.  I love it, it just feels like magic and I got results in my upper body right away.  While KBs are cardio and weight, on my off days I alternate running 30 minutes and walking 60 minutes 5 times a week.  So it looks sort of like:

  • Day 1 60min walk +KB
  • Day 2 30 min run +30 min walk
  • Day 3 30 min walk +KB
  • Day 4 30 min walk + 60 min Zumba
  • Day 5 30 min run + KB
  • Day 6 off
  • Day 30-45 min run 

Depending on my week I aim for 60 active minutes a day.


I find I'm always a little sore after KB, hip hurts from running and KB tends to make my hip hurt less.  I'm not sure why, but it is what I'm experiencing.

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Sounds like a solid plan! Smiley Happy 

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