05-10-2014 11:50
05-10-2014 11:50
Would like to log this under ACTIVITIES but there is nothing in search.
I take a one hour intensive class on a reformer and would like to log this. Any ideas?
05-10-2014 18:19
05-10-2014 18:19
The search never works for me if I use it through the website anymore (I use a Mac, neither Safari or Firefox works not sure about Chrome). If I use the activity serach in the phone app it does work. So if you have a smart phone or device that can run the fitbit app--search Pilates. There are three different options: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Sam | USA
Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS
Accepting solutions is your way of passing your solution onto others and improving everybody’s Fitbit experience.
05-12-2014 12:32
05-12-2014 12:32
05-13-2014 06:53
05-13-2014 06:53
@slysam- "The search never works for me if I use it through the website anymore (I use a Mac, neither Safari or Firefox works not sure about Chrome)."
I used to have that same issue as well. I found that refreshing the screen 3 or 4 times does the trick; and if not, signing off, clearing your browser cache, and signing back on, does it. This issue happened a lot when I was still using an old xp laptop, which I have since discarded. Never had any such occurence with Win 7 laptop.
05-13-2014 11:29
05-13-2014 11:29
09-30-2014 06:40
09-30-2014 06:40
how do you search activities on the iphone app? I am trying to add pilates..is it under exercise?