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Share Photos of when you are out Walking!

I thought it would be interesting to see photos of peoples hikes or walks. Please post photos here! 


I will kick off with a recent hike I did to Bald Head in Albany, Western Australia.

The Bald Head trail is a total of 12.5km (there and back again) and is rated as difficult. Elevation gain is 616m, but it is up and down the whole way. I went with a friend and we had a good day, but by the end we were pretty tired. Here are some pictures

A beach along the way


A beautiful native orchid we found - Pink Fairy Orchid I think


 I thought we'd got there. I felt tired enough! But no - lots more ups and downs and rocks to climb yet!


 But we made it. Here it is, plus miles and miles of the Antarctic Ocean


 Me resting on the cairn


 On the way back - you can see the trail crossing the Isthmus.





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Helen | Western Australia

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Hello how’re you doing 

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This is from one of my most recent hikes with my partner, Link.

View from a Volcano


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Here are some photos of a hike I took before the weather in the mountains got cold and snowy here in Wyoming. 





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Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 3, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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Such a lovely view 

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@Charles912 Hi to you too! Have you taken any photos recently? We'd love to see some!

@Hmkitten Beautiful view and a nice looking dog. He looks a bit like a kelpie to me. What is he? What area of the world were you walking in? Somewhere with wide open spaces for sure!

@alexthecat Amazing scenery! Do you live close to the mountains?


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Helen | Western Australia

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

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Beautiful pictures, @NellyG! I'd love to go to Australia and visit the Gold Coast. This hike looks fantastic too! 😀


That looks great, @alexthecat, my sister went to Yellowstone a few months ago and took some great pictures, the landscapes in Wyoming the best! 😎 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@DavideFitbit Don't limit yourself to the Gold Coast! 😂

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Helen | Western Australia

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@DavideFitbit I moved to Wyoming about 4 years ago. I really love it here. I'd like to go to Australia too! I have family there now, but I've never visited. 


@NellyG That's about an hour from where I live. I don't spend as much time in the mountains as I should. I'm working on changing that. 

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Amanda | Wyoming, USA
Pixel Watch 3, Inspire 3, Sense | Android

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Haha, I know, I still have to do my research before I go, @NellyG! It's a huge country with so many great things to see. 😀


It's a beautiful part of the country, @alexthecat! It's definitely on my bucket list, alongside Zion National Park. 😎

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@NellyG -- I love that little orchid.  Seasons are just the opposite here in Baltimore, but still beautiful.


The leaves they be a falling ...The leaves they be a falling ...


@Hmkitten - what a good looking dog you have!

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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Wonderful pic, @Baltoscott! I love the fall colors. 


I've been watching some compilations on YouTube for the best fall destinations in the US, there are so many good ones! 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@DavideFitbit — I really like all the scenery changes that fall brings.  My wife’s not a fan because she does’t like cold weather and that’s what is coming, but I just layer up, get on my bike or walking shoes and enjoy the outside.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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So beautiful 

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@Baltoscott generally we don't get much autumn colour here. The evergreens stay green (out natives are all evergreen) and unless it is a very cold autumn the deciduous trees just go basically brown with a bit of redness or yellow thrown in. There's the old tree variety that gets good colour, but not many. When I visited the US a few years back I was amazed at the  amount and diversity of the autumn colour. Really amazing.

@Juliaann They are great pictures, aren't they?

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Helen | Western Australia

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Yes, that's the best part, @Baltoscott! It almost feels like one is in a different city, because of all the different colors. Weather can be challenging, but it definitely worth it. 😎 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Here's another walk I did recently. It is in the Porongurup Range about half an hour from where I live and is a walk up to Castle Rock and the Skywalk up there. It is only 4.4km including return and is easier than the last walk I reported on, except the very end with is quite challenging where you have to  climb up rocks and then up a ladder to reach the skywalk. The view is amazing though.


View at the summit looking towards the ocean in the distance from the Sky Walk


My friend and I after reaching the summit


 view looking inland from the trail


 Balancing rock


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Helen | Western Australia

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

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@NellyG — I’m always amazed when I see boulders just randomly standing in the landscape. When ponder how it got there, and how looooong it has been there, you feel quite small.  Great picture.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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@Baltoscott Yes I agree. I'm a bit hesitant to stand too close, but it hasn't moved in years so is probably fine 😂

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Helen | Western Australia

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How do I post a picture ?


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