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So... How do you know when your Sciatica Nerve is healed?


About a month ago I must have done some damage to my back and had some lower back pain. Nothing debilitating but it apparently pinched the nerve... Fastforward to today and I have been pain free for at least a week.


I am wondering how safe it is to wade back into the exercise regimen I used to have (Which really wasn't that horrible - I use the Xbox and Xbox Fitness - but I think I pulled something since it was a few new exercises I had been doing)... I'd like to start sort of transitioning back to that from the endless treadmill walking I have been doing for a month but I am almost scared to try...

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Thank you for the encouragement and the information. You've been most helpful @colinm39.
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I have been doing Zumba for years, but one day at work I noticed my hamstring...or what I thought was my ham string was killing me!!! I couldn't sleep. I stopped working out trying to "rest" my leg.  I couldn't do anything...NOTHING was helping...3 months later i finally decided to get an MRI.  Turns out it was a bulging disk pressing on my sciaticnerve.  I tried getting a massage, but that was too painful.  Started Physical Therapy with Red Lazer Treatment and an starting to notice a difference (3 sessions in). Still not perfect. but I definate improvement.  I think there is actually a light at the end of the tunnel! Hoping to get back to working out again soon.  Once I start though I will ease my way back in...walking, etc.  Anything that doesn't involve twisting or turning.

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i know how you feel i went through the same thing with pain all over the place especially among the lower back. it went on for quite a few months as i focused on my work, yet i was introduced to go to the chiropractor and it worked fantastic. now i am pain free for nearly a year with monthly visits.

however i am recently experiencing some knee pains, i went to have check ups, they suggested for me to relax and take my exercises easy.Smiley Sad

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I have pinched nerve, & sciatica in left leg. Walking 2 blocks causes so much pain in left leg, I have to stop & sit.This has caused my personal & work life to be affected.My doctor, won’t  approve FMLA, only wants to do injections.I need a new dr.  

Maybe a Neurosurgeon?

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Definitely should be working with an Orthepedic or neurosurgeon. I am lucky that I am on FMLA it doesn’t pay the bills...but once I am recovered from surgery I can go back. Do not delay in treatment. The fast you get a plan of action, this nightmare will be over.

Rebecca Meyer
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@rickyd01 wrote:

I have pinched nerve, & sciatica in left leg. Walking 2 blocks causes so much pain in left leg, I have to stop & sit.This has caused my personal & work life to be affected.My doctor, won’t  approve FMLA, only wants to do injections.I need a new dr.  

Maybe a Neurosurgeon?


@rickyd01After reading this topic I realized I posted 4 years ago about my Sciatica...I would be getting that whole back area checked as @Jamminbeck suggests because a year after that posting, June 2015 I noticed my left thigh muscles were wasting.... Dr Google suggested it could be atrophy caused by sciatic nerve issues... My physio had me xrayed, and the next month I had a total hip replacement and no sciatic nerve pain since.. A shock to everyone.  I'm not sure what country you're from but we don't need a GP for minor scans, but if we don't go though a GP for MRI's we pay about $300AUD, well worth it.


Reason: I had no cartilage in the left hip and the hip bone at different times was resting on the sciatic nerve. I had put up with that for years and the surgeon was surprised I had never had dislocations etc.. Nature does some wonderful things because there was so much osteo growth on the outside of the hip which would have taken years to develop and the hip was held in place and still averaging 10k steps/day.. A Fitbitter since 2011..


Why did it happen: My right leg is OK, and I was born with that leg shorter than the left and I have an extra rib on the right.. The specialists thought the jack hammer affect of walking with the longer leg, about 5/8" (1.5cm)  caused the cartilage to wear out.


The next 3 years up until now:   After the operation the therapists insisted I wear orthodics and that cause me more pain so we gradually removed those on the basis that my body had been walking for over 70 years and now I have no issues.. I just go to my physio for back manipulations.. Now age related creaks and groans at 78....


As at today: My lower back has stenosis, narrowing,  and the MRI shows that, and my GP isn't interested in surgery because it's too risky and I don't show any of the symptoms for the issue.. My Physio told me that he has patients that can't walk with my condition but genetically I have a heavy bone structure , I can touch my toes and walk.. Not run.. So all is well.. My GP and Physio aare approaching 60 yrs and I trust them.. . Keep moving.. Thanks Fitbit..


In the years leading up to the hip operation: my GP had me see a neurosurgeon for the lower back pain and his prognosis was... No operation needed, physio, water walking, acupuncture and keep up your walking.. Ironically one of his tests were my toe touching.... Those scans were of the lower back and there was no muscle wasting then... so there was no thought of looking at the hips..

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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@Patty228 Great that you are now controlling the pain with a minimalist approach to your heath.. The same in our household.


I also have age related disc issue in the lower back and stenosis.  Ironically touching my toes works for me even though my physio frowns because with my back issues he has clients that can't walk with what was shown in my latest MRI.


He has also wants me to control what I carry into the house after shopping, like a maximum of 3KG (7lb) in each hand.


At regular intervals he checks my back and occasionally gives me traction.


I feel it's all about moving because I watched my father become a cripple after he broke his coccyx and was told to keep moving and did not enjoy the last 10 years of his life, gone at 86.


You are definitely on the right track and this 78 year Fitbitter wishes you well

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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Thank you all for the suggestions. I found that accupuncture really worked
for me.
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@Tspencerbsa wrote:
Thank you all for the suggestions. I found that accupuncture really worked
for me.

I forgot that... My Neurosurgeon who examined me sometime ago told me that an operation wouldn't fix my problem.. His suggestion was..... Acupuncture, water walking, walking and physio when needed. and keep your weight in check..,

Colin:Victoria, Australia
Ionic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
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Wonderful news. So happy you found relief!

Rebecca Meyer
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