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I've been lazy the past couple of months, so I decided to see how many days in a row I could get 10,000 steps. 

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And here I was thinking you were going to run around naked as an exercise to get your heart rate up real high.Good luck hitting the 10K steps!

Karolien | The Netherlands

Best Answer

When I got bitten by the Fitbit bug (four years ago), I had a hard time hitting the 10k daily goal during the first two months. This was because of having been mostly sedentary for (too) many years and carrying a bit of extra weight (something I didn’t even realize at the time). Once I had overcome the initial hurdles, it felt relatively easy and I made a point of hitting the goal every single day. The time of the year was right (beginning of summer, not too much work, long holiday etc.) and I probably spent 4 months in a row hitting it every single day. Since then, I’ve changed my attitude and I’m more flexible: in any given month, I usually have 4-5 "lazy" days when I don’t reach 10k. For instance, here is what my last 30 days look like (from my profile😞




However, I’m pretty sure there hasn’t been a single week in four years with less than 70k steps. I actually prefer to think on a weekly rather than daily basis, just like with eating.  It simply offers more flexibility and allows me to take into account situations when I’m flying to another continent (when you’re stuck for 12 hours in an airplane, there’s not much you can do about your step count), am eating out with friends and family etc. As long as goals are met on a weekly basis, what happens on any single day, or even two days, of the week doesn’t matter much. What is really hard for me is not being able to step on the scale every day: 2-3 days is OK, but long trips of one week or more are really difficult. I’m so used to the immediate feedback of the scale.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Way to go, @GershonSurge....




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Nice picture, Larry. 


When I started this streak, I figured I'd simplify to the basic 10,000 steps a day and focus on doing work around the house. After two or three days, I decided to start with a 10,000 step walk so I wouldn't have to think about the steps the rest of the day. Now the streak is getting long enough that I don't want to start over. Somehow, about another 8,000 steps a day is appearing without thinking about them.



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