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Warming Up and Down

What are the best warm-up and warm-down exercises for running (5-10k)?


Tips much appreciated, thanks, Peter

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@AguyinMacao Welcome!  Some people do "shake out" miles before races.  Maybe half a mile or one mile easy run before the race starts.  I think just walking is enough for me.  I always stretch after I run and use a foam roller also.

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
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I usually do both with walking as well. I have seen people jump around for a bit or just stretch. I find that stretching after feels better and walking before feels better. Full disclosure, I do not run marathons, I run off calories 🙂

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Hi guys. I also jump around and stretch my legs and arms in order to warm-up. This helps my muscles and ankles to get prepared for a long run.

JuanJo | Community Moderator

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