01-09-2016 08:16
01-09-2016 08:16
Like many addicts I pride myself on hitting milestones. Often times things like the last ## steps or stairs or calories to the next 1,000 level before bed.
But lately I have noticed a trend where the stats on my HR and Phone and Web interface will all look like I expect and then adjust themselves. Normally this is just a pain as I think I am done and really there is more to do but it really sucks when I am neara goal then get backed off minutes before midnight and am stuck.
Examples being I see 20,134 steps when I go to bed and wake up to see 19,930 redorded or go to bed with 3,050 calories and wake up to see a downward adjustment to 2,990
Is anyone else trackign this close and if so what are you doing to fix? Not a life altering problem but it is a bit of a pain.
01-09-2016 13:52
01-09-2016 13:52
Where are these stats you are viewing - device, mobile app, or web account?
The are all three different places, and the app and web have their own servers - with web account being master.
Also - do you manually log any walking or running workouts?
Not hitting the button on device and making an Activity Record - but actually logging a Workout Record with your own more accurate distance perhaps, or calories, for specifically walking/running?
01-09-2016 17:42
01-09-2016 17:42
@Heybales wrote:Where are these stats you are viewing - device, mobile app, or web account?
The are all three different places, and the app and web have their own servers - with web account being master.
No manual entries at all. Sync with mapmywalk and it is possible that is a factor. I have stats on my FitBit HR that then sync to my phone then the web interface.
Then sometimes, with no patter I can find all three will make some kind of adjustment that I cannot figure out and that drops the stats 2-6% nothing major except when I am making sure I hit my goals and then wake up in the morning to find that the goals were not met after all.
Again, this is not a monumental problem but wondering if anyone else has seen the issues.
01-11-2016 23:01
01-11-2016 23:01
So here is what is supposed to happen with other workouts synced in - so see if this plays in to your timing and what you've seen.
When you create a manual walking or running workout, with a stated distance - MFP back calculates from your given stride length a new set up steps - and replaces the steps, distance, and calorie burn in the daily stats with whatever that Workout Record has in it.
So daily stats change.
Some sites aren't so integrated - any workout that comes in is only seen for replacing calorie burn - original steps and distance are kept.
Some sites/apps are intergrated with sharing exercise type and distance, and so if a workout is tagged as walking or running and syncs over - Fitbit does exactly what it does with a manually entered workout, distance is accepted as fact, along with calories, and steps is replaced with calculated.
So you might think about when you've seen those changes - if it goes along with MMW syncing a workout across.
Next time it happens - view the Activity Record that your Fitbit created if you can hit the button and start a workout.
That Activity Record is a snapshot of the stats your Fitbit saw and stays unchanged no matter what happens next.
Then the MMW is synced over as a workout - now look at those stats. What is different?
And is that difference how much your daily stats changed?