06-25-2021 03:37
06-25-2021 03:37
Where do you find the strength not to give up and continue?
06-25-2021 09:35
06-25-2021 09:35
Trying to think of the future, not the present.
This will help me feel better, this will help me be able to do more, this will help me not get sick easier, ect.
Very little of diet and exercise seems to have immediate gratification, so you have to be forward thinking.
About just opposite of what this world teaches us to be through advertising and other stimuli.
Why writing those future reasons down in plain site is useful, like on fridge or TV.
Now, many times you can finish a workout and enjoy the feeling of tired or sore or wornout - but you have to start the workout over doing something perhaps more entertaining.
Many times you can finish an appropriate sized healthy meal and feel satisfied enough - but you have to choose to eat that one instead of something else that sounds much better initially, and going until your gut is stuffed.