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When you have to move your son and new wife, and clean house and get zilch on steps

Nothing frustrates me more than working hard in a non exercise capacity.   Yesterday, I had to move my son and his new wife out of her older sisters home to the first home that my son and his wife bought.  I went up and down long narrow steps 10 times carrying heavy boxes (I am 62), walked them out to my car, drove to their new city 20 miles away, unpack, walk up steps and put them in a 3rd bedroom.  I also was asked to wash all sheets, blankets etc and the boxes of new dishes, silverware, pots and pans as the new wife had to work yesterday which left my son and her directives to do.  I got up a 6:00am and got home at 5pm absolutely exhausted.   How many steps?  5,000 some.  Today, it was my house time as I work at a high school and it's finally summer.  So stripped the beds, flipped over mattresses, did 6 loads of wash including all the fall, winter cardigans I wear and got them stored.  Made potato salad and deviled eggs and put together a 7 layer salad, and put together baked beans to be baked tomorrow.  Cleaned up the kitchen, vacuumed the entire house and with two cats, lots of cat hair, which also meant using the special attachment for getting cat hair off of couches, chairs etc.     I polished the furniture and changed the theme to patriotic for Memorial day.  I just now sat down and looked at my fitbit. 4,901, so exasperating.   Swimming for 50 minutes, M-F, gets me 6,000 to 7,000 steps by 6:30am each morning, but working hard doing necessary, has to get done work...practically nothing.

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Hello @Muspirit2  first of all, you're a fantastic mom and mother-in-law! You're a whirlwind of action! Anyway, when your arms aren't swinging as you move, the steps aren't counted since these are wrist based devices. You can always tuck the Fitbit down a sock when you know your hands will be full of items when you walk. You can also manually log those steps, too. You've done a lot of work in two days. Hope you can relax and enjoy Memorial Day tomorrow.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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next time you may try some services which would help u. Thats not that expencive and actually pretty usefull

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I think you won't find such a service that will do all of that, I mean carry heavy boxes/drive all of them/unpack/a lot of waching and cleaning. Yeah, for sure with cleaning you can just order and it won't take you so long to resolve it, just a little cash. Anyway, Muspirit2 you are a heroine that did this looong and hard "workout"!

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