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X Box Fitness

Hello everyone, I have recently begun using Xbox fitness since my hubby and I split an Xbox one for Christmas. I enjoy using the fitness app, but I'm not sure what the best way to change up the workout types would be for weight loss. It is mostly cardio and aerobics, some p90x, Tracey Anderson, insanity, Jillian Michaels, and mossa are on there, too, so there are about 40 options or more.
I'm trying to get fit and lose weight (abt 40-55 lbs, I really let it get out of hand )
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I still have an Xbox 360 and use a Zumba video game that works great.  I don't know if they have games like that available for the One yet, but I'm sure they will soon!  Good luck!

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I was wondering if the FitBit folks have opened a conversation with the folks that write the Xbox One Fitness app to see if there is any way to send fitness data from Xbox Fitness to FitBit?  I am not sure what dark magic happens in the background when this happens, but I was hoping the conversation has already started as it would be a great link between two already excellent products.




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That would be really awesome! I would love it if the heat rate data would sync to the fitbit dashboard, at least.
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Figured I'd post here ... anyone want to share their XBox Live usernames that are also using Xbox Fitness?


I use it all the time, but don't have any "friend challenges" pop up because I seem to be the only one using this pretty awesome app.


My tag is SwankElephant

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I know people who have got great results with insanity, but it is intense...

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I absolutely love the 10 Minute Solution series, so you can mix and match based on your energy level, mood, etc.  But there are a couple of long ones that I love too. Some that I do often:


  • MOSSA GROOVE!  - This is the best, most fun, and great calorie burning workout on Xbox Fitness, in my opinion.
  • 5 Day Get Fit Mix: Power Yoga (I'm out of challenges!) Lean Body Sculpt (It's worth it to get a set of 5 lb weights for this), Bell Fat Burner (ow!  Seriously. But wow.)
  • Rapid Results Fat Burner: Cardio Max (ass kicker! It feels SO much longer than 10 mins, which is a good thing), Low Impact Fat Blaster (This is fun, and it gets more fun when you learn the routine.
  • Jillian Michaels Yoga Inferno - The first one of these is 30 mins and free, and holy cow. I've never been able to get through all 30 mins without stopping. It's my go-to, when I really feel like feeling the burn.  Or, if I want to feel the burn for half, I do half and come back.


I hope this helps anyone else that wants to check out Xbox Fitness. I'm a huge fan, as you can see. 


Also: does anyone else use it?  What are your favorite workouts?

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I love xbox fitness I have been using it all this month. Ever since I found out about it I have fallen in love with it. Especially the Mossa ones. I also like Jillian kickboxing plus a few other ones but I am on all the time so if anyone would like to do friend challenges for the achievement or what not go ahead and send me a friend request.


My Gamer tag on Xbox is: rocki21

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