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You CAN Do It February 2022 Step Challenge and Scavenger Hunt

It’s the second month of year. You know, the one where you say: What was I thinking last month when I gave up (booze, sweets, fries, cheese …. and so on), and I started daily (weights, HIIT, running, biking, swimming, hiking ... and so on)??? And now I’m hungry and in pain! 


Sometimes we go a little overboard with New Year’s resolutions, but that’s what You Can Do It February is for. No need to completely fall off the wagon. Just dial it back a bit and focus on one or two small things this month and start building a new good habit (or break an old bad habit).                                                  

General monthly instructions are below, including the monthly picture scavenger hunt.                                                            
How It Works

The primary purpose of these monthly challenges is to keep track of your daily step goals for the month; though many of us track other things as well, like body weight exercises, sleep, trips to the gym, logging food, etc. This is not a competition to see who can do the most of whatever, instead it is a challenge to measure your consistency. So whether you do 1k, 5k, 10k or even 40k steps a day, this is measuring how many days out of the monthly total you can hit your goal.


Some might have a constant goal of 10k steps every single day and others might have a variable goal throughout the week, (and some might even plan days off!) for example.
Monday -> Friday = 10k steps a day
Sat & Sun = “6k steps a day,” or “not tracking”


Regardless of how you structure your daily goals, the only thing that matters for the monthly challenge is whether or not you reach what you set out to do.


Suggested Posting Format    
1) Post either your constant or variable step goal.
2) Keep track of the # of daily goals achieved out of the monthly minimum and or monthly total


Picture Scavenger Hunt

This month’s scavenger hunt is Word Play.  Look for signage with puns, double meanings, dad jokes and the like. Look at signs in front of churches, stores, schools, movie theaters ... just keep it clean. You CAN do it!  (Oh look, it’s made out of CANs.  See what I did there?)

Yes You CANYes You CANIMG_1157.jpeg



Although you certainly don’t have to post daily, you’ll likely stay closer to what you set out to do by updating the thread several times/week


Injury Notice
If you injure yourself during the month and need to scale back due to the injury, then all you have to do is adjust your goal for that period. If you normally do 10k steps a day but pull a hamstring and decide to do minimal walking (2k steps a day), then all you have to do is change your goal.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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125 REPLIES 125

Thanks @Baltoscott for setting this up and the invite. It’s crazy how time seems to be speeding by this month. 

You Can February 2022 Goals

9,500 steps:   18 days

11,000 steps:  8 days

Bellicon (15-min program): 20 days

IF (16:8):  28 days

Eat 1 piece of fruit:  24 days


Best Answer

You Can February

18.7K Steps/Day Weekdays: --/20

9.5K Steps/Day Weekends: --/8

1900 Calorie Limit/Day: --/28

IF Daily (12 hr weekday/16:8 weekend): --/28

Weights 2x/week: --/8

Stretch 4x/week: --/16

Squats 30/day: --/13

Lose 3 pounds: --/3

Photo Scavenger Hunt: -/3

Total Steps: ---/450,000


January hit hard with cold, snow, and all sorts of challenges that kept me from being able to hit a lot of goals.  I'm going to try and do a little catch-up in my steps in February, and work on making time to do my exercises/stretches.  We're expecting a bit warmer weather, so hopefully I won't get frostbite or hypothermia.  

Best Answer

You Can February

Looking at how I am closing out January I realized that I am an all or nothing type person - I either get over 12K steps a day or I get 5K.  There doesn't seem to be a good in-between.  .

12K steps/day



8k steps/day



Close all 5 circles (steps, miles, floors, cals and zone minutes)



Make dinner



Drink 60 oz water/day



Last February Steps



Last February Floors



Last February miles



Last February calories



Best Answer

There's a research study released that shows that daily exercise has a long term benefit - here's the link, the study is available as a downloadable pdf file too ...

Best Answer

Here are my goals - same as last month. I am banking on my ankle getting better asap! (It does seem to be improving, thank goodness)


10,000 steps a day for 20 days                      -/20

15 days over 12,000                                         -/15                

10 days over 15,000 steps                               -/10

3 days over 20,000 steps                                  -/3           

20 exercise sessions (swim, bike, vigorous walk, dance)   -/20

3 Scavenger Hunt pics                                      -/3


Community Council Member

Helen | Western Australia

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

Best Answer

Here are my You CAN Goals


16K steps/day /25

6-10 minute calisthenics workout


15 weight-lifting days 


post 3 scavenger pics


Sleep 6:15 hours + 20 days or more during the month 



1 pull-up



Unicycle: 15 mins/day for 25 days 


12 Dry (no alcohol) days /12
Beat Feb. 2021 bike mileage (114.2 miles)  


Hitting my sleep goal 22 days last month was a bust, so I'm dropping that back to 20. Beating my February 21 bike mileage will depend on the weather, but I like it as a goal (came up short in Jan because of weather). And I am dropping my daily step goal a bit to account for usual crummy Feb. weather.

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer

Thank you, I'm happy to join the step challenge! I'm new here and was looking for something like this for more accountability. 

My big goal is train into being a daily runner again. I loved it so much in the past and it's been 8 years since I laced up every morning.

12000 steps: 10 days

20000 steps: 12 days

8000 steps: 6 days

85 oz H2O: 25 days

Stretch/15 min yoga: 20 days

Post 3 scavenger pics

Thanks all!

Best Answer

You CAN Do It February 2022 Goals:

10k steps per day0/28
13,699 steps per day0/17
17k steps per day0/11
Photo Scavenger Hunt0/3
Full 'Reminders to Move' Days0/11
Finish challenges0/9
Update post0/7

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

Best Answer

You CAN day 1


16K steps/day 1/25

6-10 minute calisthenics workout


15 weight-lifting days 


post 3 scavenger pics


Sleep 6:15 hours + 20 days or more during the month 



1 pull-up



Unicycle: 15 mins/day for 25 days 


12 Dry (no alcohol) days 1/12
Beat Feb. 2021 bike mileage (114.2 miles) 14.8


Next month I'll have to start commuting down to DC again.  I'll probably still get to telecommute a lot, but even a couple of days a week will be a change. One big plus, though, is that it gets me on my bike for the commute to the train station which is about 6 miles away.  I did a dry run this morning, which got my monthly bike mileage off to a good start. 


My local liquor store hasn't updated it's sign yet, so here's my first scavenger hunt pict. I think they've got a much better approach to Dry January. 🙂



Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer

Hi @TamtamTrot -- what is your plan to move back to daily running?  I don't run much, but I occasionally get motivated on my walks and hikes and like to alternate between walking and jogging for set distances (change every couple of telephone poles) or time periods (minute jog, minute walk/hike).

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

Best Answer

You Can February 2022 Goals - DAY 1

9,500 steps:   1/18 days

11,000 steps:  0/8 days

Bellicon (15-min program): 1/20 days

IF (16:8):  1/28 days

Eat 1 piece of fruit:  1/24 days

Lose 4 pounds (weight):  0/4

Scavenger Hunt Pics: 0/3


Decided to add a weight loss goal and join the hunt for pics this month. Wish me luck!

Best Answer
Thank you @Baltoscott  for being in point getting this set up. Like the cans! 👍🏻
<8000 Steps :    0 / 3 days
8,000+ steps :    0 /  3 days
13,000+ steps :   0 / 7 days
15,000+ steps :    0 / 5 days
17,000+ steps :    0 /  6 days
20,000+ steps :   0 / 4 days
Cardio Workouts :  0 / 6
Lose 5 pounds  :  0 / 5
Sleep 8hrs :   0 / 8 days
Scavenger photos :  0 / 3+
Best Answer

You Can February 1

18.7K Steps/Day Weekdays: --/20

9.5K Steps/Day Weekends: --/8

1900 Calorie Limit/Day: --/28

IF Daily (12 hr weekday/16:8 weekend): 01/28

Weights 2x/week: --/8

Stretch 4x/week: --/16

Squats 30/day: --/13

Lose 3 pounds: --/3

Photo Scavenger Hunt: -/3

Total Steps: 17,029/450,000


Yesterday, I got the word I will be working longer days for awhile; either until it slows down or we fill the space my coworker is vacating.  I may have to adjust my goals based on this.  We'll see.  

Best Answer

2 January


10,000 steps a day for 20 days                      1/20

15 days over 12,000                                         1/15                

10 days over 15,000 steps                               -/10

3 days over 20,000 steps                                  -/3           

20 exercise sessions (swim, bike, vigorous walk, dance)   1/20

3 Scavenger Hunt pics                                      -/3

Community Council Member

Helen | Western Australia

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

Best Answer

You Can February Day 1


12K steps/day



8k steps/day



Close all 5 circles (steps, miles, floors, cals and zone minutes)



Make dinner



Drink 60 oz water/day



Last February Steps



Last February Floors



Last February miles



Last February calories



Scavenger Hunt pics




Welcome @TamtamTrot !  Love the sign picture @Baltoscott  - I am not sure my town is clever enough to post signs like this but I am going to keep my eyes peeled!

Best Answer

Hi @Baltoscott , it has to be gradual: doing the run/walk thing like you described until I'm running more than walking. I'll start small (today) with run 2 min/walk 3 min for 6-8 cycles then walk the rest of the way home home from the park which includes a really long, steep hill. Alternate days is the way to go for a few weeks. Focusing on stretching and (ugh!) foam rolling for my body to get used to the increased activity will be important. By the end of the month I should be running about 3 miles and walking 2 miles 5 times per week. I've done this routine before and was surprised at how quickly my body "remembered" how to continuously run but I'm a bit daunted as I'm 48 now and 30 lbs heavier. It may take more time.

Best Answer

Day 1 You Can February

12000 steps: 10 days      🎖

20000 steps: 12 days

8000 steps: 6 days

85 oz H2O: 25 days

Stretch/15 min yoga: 20 days

Post 3 scavenger pics


Best Answer

You Can February 2022 Goals - DAY 2

9,500 steps:   1/18 days

11,000 steps:  1/8 days

Bellicon (15-min program): 2/20 days

IF (16:8):  2/28 days

Eat 1 piece of fruit:  2/24 days

Lose 4 pounds (weight):  0/4

Scavenger Hunt Pics: 0/3

Best Answer

You CAN day 2


16K steps/day 2/25

6-10 minute calisthenics workout


15 weight-lifting days 


post 3 scavenger pics


Sleep 6:15 hours + 20 days or more during the month 



1 pull-up



Unicycle: 15 mins/day for 25 days 


12 Dry (no alcohol) days 1/12
Beat Feb. 2021 bike mileage (114.2 miles) 17


@TamtamTrot -- that sounds like a really good plan. Slow and steady.  @shipo has a thread titled Life after COVID describing his rehabilitation last year. It is certainly worth a read as you plan your running comeback and eventual weight loss. His thoughts on what he call "long slow distance" make a lot of sense. 

Scott | Baltimore MD

Charge 6; Inspire 3; Luxe; iPhone 13 Pro

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