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Keto Coffee - what is your recipe?

This question is for folks who follow a Keto lifestyle - do you drink some version of "Keto coffee"?  And if so, what's your recipe?


For those not familiar with it, Keto coffee is coffee with fat added.  I believe it was originally invented by Dave Asprey, who owns the Bulletproof brand and markets related proprietary products.   I've never tried his products, but I believe his Brain Octane is essentially MCT Oil powder.  This paragraph is guaranteed 55% accurate.


Keto coffee's primary purpose is to deliver fat and MCT Oil.  For someone who is trying to get back into ketosis, the MCT Oil works like a shot in the arm.  It can also be a snack or meal replacement.  I find it suppresses appetite and provides mental energy, much more sustained and substantial than caffeine alone.  There could be a placebo effect, but I doubt it as I was previously pretty burnt out at 5:30 PM whereas now I'm still going strong. 


Here is the recipe I make -- most of this is from a YouTube by Tom DeLauer with some of my own tweaks:

  • Cup of coffee, made from 4 parts coffee, 1 part chicory
  • 1 Tbsp Cacao (not cocoa) powder
  • 1/2 Tbsp grass fed ghee (clarified butter) with salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp MCT oil
  • Stevia squirt to taste
  • 5 grams inulin supplement

This has about 200 calories, 180 from fat and 20 from carbs, plus 5 grams of soluble fiber.

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My Keto coffee is similar.  I, too, follow Thomas DeLauer as well as a few other Keto people...Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Eric Berg and Jason Wittrock.  My recipe varies depending on certain factors but usually as follows:


1 Tbsp / 14 gr Kerrygold butter

1 Tbsp MCT oil liquid or MCT Oil Powder

1 Tbsp Cacao powder

cinnamon to taste

few drops of Stevia

Collagen peptides OR Vital Proteins gelatin

Instant coffee made with unsweetened Almond Coconut milk


This is usually my breakfast and has really helped me have mental focus throughout my day.  I have never felt more sharp and on the ball at work as I do now that I follow Keto!


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I sadly have no information about Keto coffee but 1 line of your post caught my attention - "....I find it suppresses appetite...". I drink about 3-4 cups of a dark roast coffee a day (probably 10-12oz size) with just a shot of cream & honey (1/2 tsp of each) and it works great to suppress my appetite. I'll add that this is spread out from 10am in the morning to the last one at 8pm (sleep like a charm). It's not Keto coffee but if it works for maybe maybe it could work for you?

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