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Morning run nutrition

Hi! My question is about nutrition. I will be training for a marathon that is on January 21 and also doing Insanity. I like to run first thing in the morning and do insanity when I get home. With my current job I have been able to get up and eat some oatmeal before I run. However I am starting a new job in August as a high school teacher, and I will need to get up at 4 to run before work. I don't think I will have time for something like oatmeal. I'll be running 6-10 miles a day and doing insanity. Do you have any advice for how I can structure my nutrition? I've read conflicting studies on morning fasted runs and am not sure what is best.

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I have herbalife coaches who do a park workout and they say having a shake is super easy and great for eating on the go. I'm not a customer because I still would rather eat food than drink it, but if my son is interested (also a teacher but his first year), I would buy them for him.  It would be easy and cover bases and he could drink it on his morning train ride.  


Adding - I make steel cut oatmeal on the weekend and just have it during the week reheated.  It's quick that way.  So if you like it, you can still have it.

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Overnight oats. Put a serve of oats in a jar or small sealable container with some milk of choice and yoghurt. Add some fresh berries and nuts then throw in the fridge for the next day. They last up to a week. Plenty of recipe ideas all over the net for overnight oats. I'm more of a spinach omelette for breakfast type but I keep overnight oats in the fridge for days I'm in a hurry 

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I understand what you say. Usually for big races, people suggest to have pasta dinner the previous night. But is it possible to have all nights? that you have to try. If you have an hour to an hour and a half before your run, steel cut oats is the best bet. I make it in my rice cooker the previous day of my long run and have it with some raisins and nuts. 


Or if you have at least half hour, a toast with jelly or PB would be good too..  Good Luck!

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quick oats takes like a minute or two in the microwave.  Have your toppings prepped the night before and it shouldn't impact your morning.

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