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Serving Size of Frozen Vegetables

Hey guys!


 So I count my calories with Myfitnesspal, but I have been wondering something; On frozen vegetables, it gives you the serving size in cups and grams. I weigh my foods, but frozen veggies weigh more than cooked veggies. Would the serving size be for the cooked or uncooked veggies?

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Uncooked - though do they really weigh more? I weighed some sliced bananas before I froze them and they weighed the same frozen. Density changes but weight doesn't.

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What may weigh more is any extra ice frozen to the veggies, otherwise it should be the same weight.
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Non starchy veggies are very low in calories. Even 1.5 cups is only about 60 cals. Veggies don't add weight and are nutritious, have fiber which help you fell full. Love my veggies. 


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True - but with produce like broccoli, sometimes ice will form and add extra weight - but it's minimal. 


The truth is you can probably eat that extra .05 ounces of broccoli and it'd never show on your scale. Just weigh it before you cook it and be consistent every time. 

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I disagree. Frozen food has ice crystals usually and when the food is cooked the water evaporates out thereby changing the weight between frozen and prepared.  Good example would be frozen hash-browns. I prepared some this morning. I measured out one cup of frozen Hashbrowns and they weighed 84 g which is the serving size. That did not seem like a serving size even frozen. So I measured out another 84 g. for a total of 168 grams and I cooked them in 8 g of olive oil. The final cooked weight was 110 g. Remember the serving size on the package is 84 g. 
so I have concluded that the serving size is based on the prepared weight of the product - not frozen. 

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