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Suggestion: Put the common abbreviations on the food log page please!

As a new user, I would find it extremely helpful to have common abbreviations in the food tracker in the sidebar somewhere on the food log page. I had to Google "pfr" and "cp" which both appear so often, they show up in almost every pull-down suggestion list I get. Simply having an explanation on the side would have been so helpful! You could even have it be a closeable box so people can choose to collapse it once they know.

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That sounds like a good idea. You may want to post this in the feature suggestions section of the community pages to get more support. In the meantime you can always find the full list of abbreviations in this help article:


I copy the list here for reference:


  • CP  -- Commercially Prepared
  • HP -- Home Prepared
  • PAD -- Prepared As Directed
  • PFR -- Prepared From Recipe
  • RP -- Restaurant Prepared
  • RTB -- Ready To Bake
  • RTC -- Ready To Cook
  • RTE -- Ready To Eat
  • RTF -- Ready To Feed
  • RTH -- Ready To Heat
  • RTS -- Ready To Serve
  • SF -- Separable Fat
  • SLF -- Separable Lean and Fat
  • SLO -- Separable Lean Only


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Aha! Thank you for directing me to the right place. I looked for a suggestions area, but somehow couldn't find it until I tried again after your post. 


Also, thank you for providing a link and text with the information I suggested. Sometimes people respond redirecting the OP to the right place, but it was nice that you took the time to also just put the answer right there for me as well.  🙂

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I was getting ready to ask the same question as you, when I found your question and the reply. These abbreviations should be posted some where easy to find on the dashboard


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