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Vegetable side dishes needed


No, I'm not a vegetarian but I like to try new things.  I need to cut back on carbs such as breads and pasta so I wanted to double up on vegetables as my side dish.  I get tired of the regular vegetable sides like cabbage, turnips, collards, salads and those steam fresh vegetable packages. Can anyone help with a dish with a mixture of veggies (excluding snow peas...ewww).

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One of my favorite veggie dishes - it can be a main course too.


Zucchini noodle pesto dish.  There is a gadget called a spiralizer, it takes veggies and makes noodles out of them.  I make a batch of basil pesto and mix into the zucchini noodles.  Its as easy as that!  Gluten Free - dairy free (no cheese in the pesto).  I don't really have a recipe for the pesto - I do have ingredients... ground almonds, basil, sun dried tomato, olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt. 


If you don't want to get a spiralizer - you can use a grater - that should work.

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Good morning, I buy steamers birds eye, I like the wild brown rice one with vegetables, however I doctor it up with kidney beans & other vegetables.

The other thing I do and love, on sunday nights I cut up all kinds of  fresh vegetables, squach  ,bussle,sprouts, parsnips, bell pepers I ( I love the red ones they are sweeter ) carrots,  ( any thingy you like ) wedges of cabbage, sweet potatoes I do not cut the potaotes, let them whole, take 1 tablespoon of olive oil mix it all over in a bowl with all your vegtables , put in roaster, add NO water , place at 250 degrees, for 4 hours, when they are done every thing is carmelized and you will have about an inch of water in the roasting pan , I can eat them cold also, such a sweet savory taste, spinkle some herbs on if you wish. There will be an iinch of water in the raosting pan that comes out naturally from the veetables. Enjoy!!!


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My favorite veggies are spinach. I've found an inexpensive source of frozen spinach that are excellent. I can eat as much as I want and I never seem to get enough of them. Dead easy to prepare, very tasty and (assumably) healthy too.

Dominique | Finland

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One of my favorite veggie dishes - it can be a main course too.


Zucchini noodle pesto dish.  There is a gadget called a spiralizer, it takes veggies and makes noodles out of them.  I make a batch of basil pesto and mix into the zucchini noodles.  Its as easy as that!  Gluten Free - dairy free (no cheese in the pesto).  I don't really have a recipe for the pesto - I do have ingredients... ground almonds, basil, sun dried tomato, olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt. 


If you don't want to get a spiralizer - you can use a grater - that should work.

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how about some simple roasted asparagus?


spread it out on a cookie sheet. drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper.  350 oven for 8-10 minutes (depending on how cooked you like it).  it's simple and incredibly tasty.

LCHF since June 2013
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Franci I thought I was the only person in the world who had discovered that ingenious little tool. I call it the veginator lol. I make an avocado salsa and put it on mine.

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Sounds intresting!! Thanks!!
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Ooooohhh!  I love pesto and zucchini but never thought to put the two together.  This is a must try. 

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Yeah I love asparagus!! That's actually one of my favorite.  I just tried it last year and have been eating it since then.  I sprinkle parmesan cheese over it as well.  If you haven't tried it like that, you must.

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how much of the ingredients do you put in and how many zuchinni's do you use. i have a spiarallizer   I love it apples are great done in it ,sprinkle cinammon and microav or just eat raw nice and curly i seem to eat more fruits and vegetabls using this.


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do you use anything in the spiniach ? I love the raw spinach I use it a lot with salads,I love the baby leaf more tender and sweeter to me


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@TiaraR247 wrote:

Yeah I love asparagus!! That's actually one of my favorite.  I just tried it last year and have been eating it since then.  I sprinkle parmesan cheese over it as well.  If you haven't tried it like that, you must.

Grilled asparagus also.  Same as the aforementioned roasted, just on a grill (if you have access to one).  Both taste delicious, same ingredients, but different flavors.  Parm is a phenomenal idea!


I would also recommend checking out your local farmer's markets to get fresh, in season vegetables.  I love spaghetti squash.  I love the taste of vegetables and this one in particular does not even need any seasoning!  Basil is one of my fave seasonings; coconut oil my fave oil.  This summer I'm going to play around with those two things and whatever veg are beautiful at the farmer's market and see if it turns out well.  


Good luck!

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@jamk wrote:

do you use anything in the spiniach ? I love the raw spinach I use it a lot with salads,I love the baby leaf more tender and sweeter to me


Dole makes a salad mix.  Never thought I'd like it since I'm abhor 3/5 of the things in this mix, but all the ingredients blend together beautifully!  Spinach, bleu cheese, almonds, dried cherries, white balsamic vinaigrette.  I have family members that HATE vegetables and go through bags of this combination a day.  I wore myself out eating this salad last summer.

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Hey there @TiaraR247! I'm not a vegetables fan so I always try to find new veggie dishes so I don't get bored. Great thread!  


Welcome to the community @Franci! That sounds delicious and healthy definitely going to try it.   


Catch you later 🙂 


Magin | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I have one of those Veggetti Spiralizers to make Zucchini Noodles, which I discovered while browsing a bunch of Paleo cookbooks. I will stir fry them with a bit of olive oil & lightly salted.

Just make sure you don't stick your finger inside the spiralizer. I did that once while trying to pick out a small piece of zucchini that was stuck inside. That was BAD, it's really sharp on that side. Now I use a brush to clean the inside. 😉


I like to go to Trader Joes to pick up a package of their pancetta and a bag of their Cruciferous Crunch (a mix of chopped kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and red & green cabbage).  I'll add a little oil to a pan and fry the pancetta for a bit. Then add the Cruciferous Crunch plus a splash of chicken broth (or whatever liquid is on hand) and cook until veggies are soft. Salt & pepper, if desired.



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Try roasted broccolini! I was a skeptic but it was on sale and I'm always up for trying something new. It's fantastic! My husband has been requesting it as a repeat! 


Quick note: Broccolini is actually a brand name, so your store might call it something else (like baby broccoli or broccoli-kale).

"You can't out-run your fork!"
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