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Water, water, water...ugh! I hate water!!!

Hi everyone, I'm a semi-newbie. I've been told by countless people and doctors to drink a lot of water. I have tried everything. Fruit in my water, sparkling water, flavored water, ice water, if there's a water out there, I've had it. Still, I just can't drink more than maybe one glass/serving. I get bored. Water is boring. My boss drinks it like it's nothing at all. I wish I could. Granted, I drink some water when I go out to eat but drinking it throughout the day, just can't do it. I feel bloated and I have to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Has anyone had this experience? I'm now trying homemade ice tea (no sugar) and ice coffee (no sugar, only skim milk), an occasional lemonade and naturally my nightly glass of wine! Any thoughts would be helpful..

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update when I drink to much water i get a headace just  a bad headace so I get my cokecola and I drink it.


anyways thanks for reading my post and have a great day


Missy M. as@ nkotblove
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I have the same issue at times. I do like drinking water with fruit in it though. No sugar of course.

I tend to drink more when it's hotter out also. I have tried gater aid which helps. Though a lot of

sugar in it. Iced tea for me works also. Try drifferent things. And hopefully you will find something

that works for you.

@GaSnowLady wrote:

Hi everyone, I'm a semi-newbie. I've been told by countless people and doctors to drink a lot of water. I have tried everything. Fruit in my water, sparkling water, flavored water, ice water, if there's a water out there, I've had it. Still, I just can't drink more than maybe one glass/serving. I get bored. Water is boring. My boss drinks it like it's nothing at all. I wish I could. Granted, I drink some water when I go out to eat but drinking it throughout the day, just can't do it. I feel bloated and I have to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Has anyone had this experience? I'm now trying homemade ice tea (no sugar) and ice coffee (no sugar, only skim milk), an occasional lemonade and naturally my nightly glass of wine! Any thoughts would be helpful..


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My plan for you. Buy a bottle of coke and a bottle of water.


Go for a jog or w/e kind of intense workout you like to do for 30minutes. Make sure you are huffing and puffing.


Let's see which drink you will take. If you take the coke then you have a sugar problem and need to see a doctor. If you take the water then you're a normal person who needs water after all to refuel your system.


To make your body crave water you have to be active, or just do daily exercise. Also cut out calorie fluid that contains processed sugar. Yes, even 100% juice. Drink only water, tea, fiber drink, raw vegies/fruit shakes.



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I don't dislike water, but I was always forgetting to drink it, so I wasn't getting 2 litres per day. My solution is to flavour the water ever so slightly with peppermint tea. I find it to be very refreshing and I enjoy the taste so much that I drink it constantly. I use one peppermint tea bag to 2 litres boiling water, and let that cool. I fill my water bottle half full of filtered water, and top it up with the cooled tea.
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@nkotblove wrote:

update when I drink too much water i get a headache just  a bad headache so I get my cokecola and I drink it.

How much water is "too much" (in your books)? Frankly, I doubt an excessive quantity of water could possibly cause headache. More likely, your body/brains are used to getting a certain level of sugar (and the other stuff found in your cola drink) and depriving them from it is what caused the headache. A bit like what a heavy smoker or drinker would experience if they cut all their tobacco/alcohol at once.


Water is probably the most innocuous substance we can put into our body. You would need to drink crazy high quantities of it in order to cause health issues. 

Dominique | Finland

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Thats my problem, as much as I like drinking water, I end up drinking more coke (other brands of Coca Cola like Mio Mio Cola) than I should. I struggle trying to break the sugar / caffine addiction. 

Fitbit One User, they'll only take that away when I die!
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I also don't like the taste of water or artifical sweetner so I take G2 Gatorade and add 2-4 oz to a 16 oz bottle of water.  It gives the water a flavor without the calories. 

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Just a note:  Even with a small amount of sugary drink, like Gatorade; you're still upping your insulin levels, which is what you really want to avoid by switching away from soft drinks.  Even aspartame and all the 50 chemicals they use to replace sugar affect your insulin levels in some way, which forces your body to store more energy as fat and make you think you're hungrier than you are.

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  I actually like water but usually try different flavors. Right now, it  is ice water with lemon or a lime slice.  The fruit actually keeps me from getting bored. I used to drink a diet pepsi a day.  Now it tastes too sweet. I think our taste buds change. I just like trying new flavors.  Usually if I drink a bottle of water each morning on my way to work, I eat alot less all day long. Hey, its simple but it works for me. 

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I was not a fan of water but I gradually started drinking 1 cup to 8 cups now. I started slowly and now I enjoy water.

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@GaSnowLady Finding the right water for you seems like a challenge right now. But I have a couple of tips that I hope will help: try talking verbally with friends more and walking/running/moving more in general. If you talk more verbally, eventually it starts to dry out your mouth, or at least makes it feel weird, so that could be a reason to drink some water. Moving more most likely means sweating more (which sounds a bit gross, but it's okay), and you'll naturally need to replenish that water. After a certain time period, you get used to whatever water you can get, and that's how I drink a gallon or more per day.

Yours Truly,Geoffrey
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I am a water drinker and find that when I don't drink as much as I usually do, I get headaches. I have my 32 oz. Nalgene bottle and my goal is to fill it up 3 times per day!
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Here's the summary - drink when you're thirsty.  

We have a crazy idea: drink when you're thirsty. Subscribe: Watch Full Episodes for FREE: Check Adam's Sources: In Adam Ruins Everything, host Adam Conover employs a combination of comedy, history and science to dispel ...
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Popular wisdom says : that much, not good! Water is no exception! But ... there is a but! Water with a lemon sliced ​​bark in the evening is easily assimilated by the body! This water is filled with enzymes from lemon! In any case cola or other sodas with sugar! People! If you want to help the body to clear the 5 multiplied by 10 to the power fourteenth ie 50 trillion cells, ONLY clean water or water with lemon or a fruit cut and left a few hours is so helpful! And there's more! Do not drink water fast! However we are thirsty, drink water slowly, sips rare! If we do not want, do not drink! Only in the morning drink water on an empty stomach because you have! But we drink as we want! It is advisable to drink two glasses of warm water with a little lemon juice. But if we can not, drink less! I drink 4 or 5 cups, but not fast and I enjoy every bite! Warning! Do not buy lemon water! I do not think there is lemon juice! We use lemons purchased from us! Why lemon water? Lemon is one of the few foods that influence our lymph. And lymph deal with cleaning up the 50 trillion cells in our body all the time. Please read The Biology of Belief, by Bruce H. Lipton , Ph.D. Worth!
steps to health with my Blaze 101
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I am definitely a water drinker. I don't even find myself craving sugary drinks anymore because water is my go to, especially with a slice of lemon.  One thing I've found is that sometimes we have to trick our minds into drinking more, for myself I cant drink from a regular glass because it seems like such a chore but if I have a cup with a straw I drink a lot more without even realizing it. Also, big cups  or jugs will make me feel like im never going to finish the entire thing. 


Try starting out with a small refillable cup that you'll be able to finish quickly and wont seem too daunting. Good luck!

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I suposse I am one of the lucky ones and I really like water. I even taste the different tastes in different waters. Still I dont always drink enough.


One way I make sure to get enough (when i am being serious about hydration) is to drink 10 glugs of water every hour. If I want to drink something else the 'fee' is to first drink a glass of water then drink my coffee or whatever. ( Coffee and tea are both dehydrating if you can believe that and it takes 2 glasses of water to rehydrate for every cup of tea or coffee not to mention soda)


I would like to suggest a book: "Your body's many cries for water" I forget the authors name, he is an Iranian doctor.  The tone of this book is rather hysterical and fraught but the information is excellent.


I also wanted to comment  on the going to the bathroom every 10 minutes once one up's the amount of water one drinks.  This is because your body is dehydrated if you can believe it, and you will soon settle down and not be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Give it a 2 week try and see how you go.


Please dont add artificial suplements add real lemon juice or slices of lemon or another fruit to 'improve' the taste. If you are intending to be healthy then dont get onto another unhealthy track:)

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I like drinking water. But sometimes I forget to drink enough. To my water, I add couple of slices of Cucumber,  2 leaves of fresh mint and a slice of lemon. I make this everynight and drink through out next day. This gives a refreshing taste. 

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Try adding 4 drops of PURE  lemon essential oil to your bottle of water. does wonders for you body. Make sure it is 100% pure therapeutic oil 

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I drink water all day. I have set the silent alarm on my Fitbit for every hour so I don't forget. I have just been drinking cold water but after reading some of the comments on here I think I'm going to bye a fruit infection water bottle and add some lemons to it. 🍋

The only one you need to impress is yourself.
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@Sabern wrote:

Try adding 4 drops of PURE  lemon essential oil to your bottle of water. does wonders for you body. Make sure it is 100% pure therapeutic oil 

I could be wrong, but I thought you were not meant in ingest therapeutic oil of any sort. 

The only one you need to impress is yourself.
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