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Why tracking calories in vs calories burned isn't that simple....

So there have been in various topic discussions questions and answers about weightloss, measured calories burned, running a calorie deficit and more general macro discussions (counting calories, gms fat, gms protien, etc.).

In those topics that I've caught, I've tried sharing my point of view on these 'measures' and probably often commented that all calories are not equal.  So maintaining a calorie deficit while eating nutritionally deficient foods is not a sustainable plan for weight management and long term maintainence or health.


Saw this in a news post today to use as an example...


What Does 1,000 Calories Look Like at Different Fast Food Chains?


Just a reasonable illustration about the bigger picture.  For example, have a kick ass day, 20k steps...BOOM! running a pretty wide calorie deficit because I've been following whatever diet plan I've chosen.  Got a 1000 calories (for example, fill in your number), can go gobble up my earned, guilt-free meal from one of these places and be happy.  Right?


Poke a little deeper into where the calories come from.  With exception of a bit of lettuce, not a lot of color in those pictures.  Mostly brown.  Maybe tic your macro boxes for gms protein, etc. but these are nutritionally deficient meals.  Limited vitamins or minerals.  Pretty hard for your body to process and extract.  Lacking in nutrients, like wind up hungry again and eating more later.


Don't sabotage your hard work or take another turn on the hamster wheel by making reaching your goals harder.


(lost my point...argh)....


Any who...just an case point for making food matter, and not just counting calories but making the calories your eating count.  Not just pointing at fast food options here.  Can probably easily create a meal at home with as many empty calories as in these examples.


PLENTY of omami tasty foods can be had -- you don't have to deny yourself culinary delights

Whole foods.

Lots of plants/fruit

minimally processed ingredients


Have favorite meal and looking for healthier ways to make it with all the flavor, boosted nutritionally dense calories, and simple ingredients?  Post a message with a subect "How to make a healthier ________".  I'm sure as a community we can overwhelm each other with ideas!



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I think this is very good advice!!!  Thanks for sharing!

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