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snacks on the go?

I have just rediscover how much I enjoy walking outside. Just walking for the pure joy of it. Since I started walking, my body is getting conditioned, I can do a mile in 19 minutes. Walking every day with a day off. I let my body tell me. Average daily walk is about 3-4 miles. I am wanting to walk a 10 mile walk in about 3.5 hours. I carry water. I need to carry a snack, not sure what to snack on. Any ideas anyone?

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I enjoy a nice long walk too. 


I've bought some little plastic boxes with snap on lids, which I fill with little treats. 


My favourites are mixed nuts or dried dates. 

Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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Dried fruit, nuts, beef jerky, and if you're carrying a bag and/or backpack there's no reason why it can't be fresh items as well.  However, depending on the intensity of your exercise you might not need to take anything with you.  Years ago when I had a summer off from college (a return as a mature student) I would get up and go for about a 10-12km walk most mornings before it got too hot.  The 12km is about 7.5 miles.  I carried neither water or food.  My route was such that at the turnaround points I had access to a water fountain.  I would come home and have a good solid breakfast and/or brunch.

Anne | Rural Ontario, Canada

Ionic (gifted), Alta HR (gifted), Charge 2, Flex 2, Charge HR, One, Blaze (retired),,

Down 150 pounds from my top weight (and still going), sharing my experiences here to try and help others.

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I think any combination of dried fruit and nuts would be good. Or jerky, if you like that sort of thing. If you want something easily portable, Larabar makes raw fruit and nut bars that are just that.  There's also a company called That's It that makes fruit-only snacks. I recently discovered that they also have fruit bites covered with chocolate. One bag, with about five bites, is 150 calories.

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Since my heart attack, I have been trying to cut out salt.  So, I have been snacking on a homemade trail mix.  I uses unsalted peanuts, unsalted pretzels, dark chocolate chips, unsalted sunflower seeds, and raisins.  I get most of the ingredients from Aldi and it ends up being less expensive than most store bought trail mixes.  The pretzels I get from Publix.

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