07-23-2024 16:03
07-23-2024 16:03
I feel like i’m losing my mind you guys. Wrote this whole post once already and it imploded before my eyes as my fat thumb hit “done” above the keyboard… except it was refresh which is right above fine. the entire page reloaded. firefox mobile is dumb. taking deep breaths.
Just got a new inspire 3 and want the bifrost clock face. i’m weeping. it keeps saying not available, update your fitbit device and app. great. updated app. no luck. restarted device. reset device. uninstalled app. logged out and in. restarted phone. bluetooth settings. i have done all of that twice on my own and a third time while on the phone with customer service for an hour and a half. at my wit’s end. they said my fitbit must be up to date because there’s no update available banner.
there is NO option to update my device. Website says i should be on 200 something. I’m on 188.58. next up, 194 something. but support insisted my device was up to date, even as I looked at the website which says it might not be, and instead wanted me to turn everything on and off again. Why in the world can’t I just update my device? why isn’t there an option to check for updates like every other device in the world? why do i need to wait for the fitbit gods on high to permit me to update? why didn’t this new device come in the latest, up to date version? i have no answers. my real question for you wonderful people: is there anything I can do to get fitbit to offer me the update for my device so I can put the cute clock face on? so deceptively simple. i feel unhinged. thanks.
google if you’re reading this please fix the way fitbit devices update. thank u