11-03-2023 07:46
11-03-2023 07:46
Inspire 3 date is wrong and it no longer pairs with phone.
11-03-2023 13:08
11-03-2023 13:08
Hi @OldCuss. A warm welcome to the Fitbit community.
Thank you for sharing with me the details about your Inspire 3.
Your Fitbit device may show an incorrect time if it hasn't synced or has been unpaired from your Fitbit account. Your Fitbit grabs the time of the device you're syncing with. If by any chance you are running into syncing issues, see Why won't my Fitbit device sync?
Also, note that the time on your Fitbit device may be wrong after you travel to a different time zone or when clocks change for Daylight Savings. If you changed time zones and the time on your Fitbit device is still incorrect after syncing, make sure the time zone setting is correct. For more information, see How do I change the time on my Fitbit device?
If none of the above works for your, I recommend changing your time zone to a complete different one, sync your device, put the correct time and sync again.
11-04-2023 03:46
11-04-2023 03:46
Hi, @OldCuss , have you removed your Inspire 3 from your Fitbit account and having difficulty adding it back in again? If so, giving your Inspire 3 a restart just before trying to pair it. If your Inspire 3 is still attached to your account but won’t pair or sync a restart can also help. I find that the other easiest way to force a sync and to pair your Fitbit with your phone is to log out of your Fitbit account and log back in again. But be sure you know the email address and password associated with your Fitbit account!
If you post again, please do confirm whether or not your Fitbit is still attached to your account.
I hope this helps. Welcome to the forums!
Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android
11-04-2023 13:00
11-04-2023 13:00
Thank you, Julia, for the reply. I have tried what you suggested. In terms of the setting feature on the device, I don't have a restart option. Moreover, I have pressed the device hoping for a reset but with no luck: date wrong, time correct. And my phone still can't find it for pairing. I updated the Fitbit app only to lose all my data the best I can tell. Guess I bought a dud, receiving about eight months of trouble-free service. Nonetheless, I appreciate your help.
11-04-2023 13:03
11-04-2023 13:03
Thanks, ManuFitbit Moderator. I explained what happened in a reply to Julia. I found no success but I appreciate your and her assistance.
11-04-2023 13:37 - edited 11-04-2023 13:37
11-04-2023 13:37 - edited 11-04-2023 13:37
Hi, @OldCuss , you definitely have the ability to restart you Inspire 3. In fact, there are two ways to restart your Inspire 3. I shared them with you in the link I mentioned above, but I will also describe them here.
Your latest post suggests possibly a number of different issues, but let’s tackle the restart one first and then go on from there.
The simplest way is on the device itself. Your Inspire 3 needs to be charged. Tap to wake up your Inspire 3. From the clock face on the Inspire 3 keep swiping down until you come to the top where you will see “Settings” and a gear icon. Tap to open the settings menu and then swipe up all the way until you see “restart device”. Tap to open that option and then swipe up until you come to two options: Restart or Cancel. Choose restart. Your Fitbit will probably go blank for a moment or two and then you should see the Fitbit logo which will indicate that your device has restarted.
The other method of restarting involves plugging your Fitbit in to charge as normal using the supplied charging cable and a plug that will accept a usb cord - whatever you usually use to charge your Inspire 3. While it is still plugged in and charging (this is very important, so make sure it doesn’t come loose from the charging cradle) press the buttons on your Inspire 3 - meaning press and hold both sides of the Fitbit - for a good 10 secs or more until you feel a slight vibration and see the Fitbit logo. Again, this means that your Fitbit has restarted.
You may need to try both of these restart procedures. If you don’t see the Fitbit logo then your device probably has not restarted and you should try again.
Ideally you should do this while your phone is nearby and your Fitbit app on the phone is open and you are logged in, as a restart of your device may immediately force a sync and all will be well.
I would suggest in the first place just trying this, exactly as I have described it. If that doesn’t solve your issue then we can try other troubleshooting steps, but a restart is usually the first one to try. Your data won’t be lost if you are willing to work with someone here to get you back on track! But you may need to be patient!
Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android
11-04-2023 15:38
11-04-2023 15:38
Julia, thanks again. The following is the current state of change:
1. The phone app is open, I am logged in and the app indicates it is synced to the phone,
2. I am now able to scroll past the dimmer setting to the restart option. Have restarted the device.
3. The time is correct for the date* but the date is wrong.
4. All prior data in the app was lost when it was updated.
*The date is for Sunday, November 5, when time changes. I don't know where the device is getting time, from the app, synced to the device, or the setting from GMT options that are for my time zone. All I know is that the correct setting and phone date and time do not agree with the device. I have not been out of my time zone since having the device.
11-04-2023 15:51
11-04-2023 15:51
An addition:
The app, being synced - as indicated - does not, however, agree with what is on the device, leading me to think that sync has not been established.
11-05-2023 01:42
11-05-2023 01:42
Hi, @OldCuss , it sounds like your device may have got confused due to the time change. There’s a trick you could try that sometimes can correct this. You do this on the app.
On the opening screen of the app click on the gear icon top right. On the next screen find App settings. On the app settings screen toggle Automatic Time Zone to OFF and then click on “select time zone”. Choose any WRONG time zone. Then sync your Inspire 3 (press the back button to return to the opening screen of the app, click on the smartphone and watch icon, click on the picture of Inspire 3 and click on “Sync Now”. Make sure it says it has synced “just now”).
Once it has synced, repeat the steps above to go back to the time zone setting. This time choose your CORRECT time zone and sync once more.
With luck this will correct the date! You might need to try this twice…. But hopefully it will fix the problem.
If it doesn’t fix it, could you please give us a bit more information about what you mean specifically by the app does not agree with what is on the device (besides date…). That might give us a clue about what’s going on.
Sense, Charge 5, Inspire 2; iOS and Android
11-05-2023 11:44
11-05-2023 11:44
I appreciate your time and patience but I have essentially lost confidence in this device. I have done what you ask, that is the wrong and right GMT settings complete with restarts and re-syncs. I do not trust the sync even with the app stating it is synced and here's why: I am not wearing the device - which is charged - and have not worn it all day. The device measures 0 steps but the app indicates 26. It was wrong for this reason yesterday, too, but it indicated 30 steps.
Concerning the date-time discrepancy I referred to yesterday. The time would have been correct if the date was correct, that is if it was November 5 - which it was not given it was November 4 - then the time would be one hour behind what it was on November 4, which it was showing on the device. Today is November 5 (the first day after EDT was changed to ET) and the current time is 2:29 pm. My device indicates November 6 and 2:29 pm. Thus the same problem remains, regardless of what has been tried, the date is wrong but the time is correct. I only discovered yesterday that the step count is bogus, even as an estimate.
In the app there is a function for adding a device which Inspire 3 is an option, it requiring a four digit code. I have tried that, too. The device gives me the code, I enter it, and the app tries to pair with the phone but will not. I get a message on the app that the pairing is taking longer than usual, that the app is trying and that message does not go away even after the device gives a message of try again before the device goes dark, if my memory is correct.
11-06-2023 11:33
11-06-2023 11:33
Julia, you are to be applauded for your efforts even if none were successful. Interestingly, Fitbit has yet to intervene and ask that I return the device for inspection, especially given everything that was tried, but such is a level of customer concern that is not always displayed for established products. While I enjoyed my device and app when it functioned properly - and assume most do even beyond the age of mine - and the older app especially that had more functionality that interests me, I am moving on to considering another company for a fitness tracker/pulse monitor. Again, many thanks for your assistance. Fitbit wants to know what is the best response to my initial inquiry. This response will have to do.