10-08-2023 20:29
10-08-2023 20:29
I replaced my Charge 2 HR with an Inspire 3. I am not totally satisfied with it. When I raise my wrist, the face does not engage. You HAVE to touch it. That is really inconvenient. Not only when I swipe my Inspire 3, it goes dark. I have to keep pressing the sides over and over again. And when I am trying to maneuver through the screens, it goes dark. Then I have to start all over. I need my Inspire 3 to (1) engage when I raise my wrist and (2), allow me to swipe its tiny, tiny face plate without going dark...please.
10-09-2023 05:42
10-09-2023 05:42
Hi, @tovondahenderso, welcome to the community, may I suggest you check the settings on your Inspire 3? From the clock screen swipe down & check that the screen wake is on Auto. This should illuminate your device screen when you turn your wrist. You report you must touch the screen to illuminate it and the screen goes "Dark". Check that you do not have DND (Do Not Disturb) engaged - if it says DND is "on" touch the icon to toggle it to "off". Finally, ensure you do not have sleep mode on - check you are not in a sleep schedule.
If you are still having a problem restart your Inspire 3 -
I hope this helps but if you are still stuck please post here again.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.