06-12-2024 05:39
06-12-2024 05:39
I have had my Fitbit for 4 months (bought it at target, which states it has 1 year warranty) and I officially don't have it anymore due to its faulty band that detached itself while I was at the store and now its lost due to its defect. I didn't realize it fell off until I got home and noticed it wasn't on my wrist. I checked the last time it synced and the time it showed was when I was at the store. I went back to the store and tried to locate it via Bluetooth finder and trying to sync it and no luck. It sucked because I loved my Fitbit and was recommending all my friends to buy one but now will be telling them otherwise if they don't make it right. I contacted support and they said "Your product doesn’t meet the replacement requirements of our warranty policy and therefore isn’t eligible for replacement." Like, what do you MEAN it doesn't meet the requirements? The band was faulty and defective! The band should not detach itself no matter what activity you're doing. I wear my watch 24/7 except for when I shower, so It really aggravates me that it fell because it's not my fault that it fell and now they don't want to make it right to a LOYAL customer. I was thinking of buying my husband a Fitbit for fathers day but this situation really has me second guessing that. I really hope they can make things right for me, but if not I will not be purchasing a Fitbit again. Has anybody else had a faulty band that made you lose/almost lose your Fitbit?
06-21-2024 13:24
06-21-2024 13:24
Just been looking on how to report this issue and haven't even managed to find any contact for fitbit.
My versa 4 had the same issue, almost lost it 4/5 times and finally on the last occasion I was away for a weekend and realised that it had again detached itself and have never managed to recover it.
Extremely frustrating, this was my 3rd fitbit, had been happy with the brand but never with this model due to the faulty catching system.
Have you managed to find a solution, or got in touch at all with fitbit?
06-21-2024 14:31