04-17-2024 02:12
04-17-2024 02:12
The new graphics to illustrate sleep data displays in a bar graph that is unreadable and hard to decipher. The previous version had a solid background with easy to view bar graphs and comparative data. The new version is unacceptable. We would like to return to the previous display. Is there a way to do so?
05-03-2024 08:18
05-03-2024 08:18
I logged into fitbit.com on my laptop and went to sleep data. I searched the data for sleep and the graphic came up in the old style, exactly what we used to see. So it's still there, but only on my computer. It was a little hard to find but it's there. That means they could restore it to the fitbit app on our phones if they wanted to. I hate the new graphic on my phone and can't see it or read it.
05-03-2024 13:34
05-03-2024 13:34
05-03-2024 14:21
05-03-2024 14:21
Well, darn. It only lasted 3 days before going back to the garbage new display on my phone. I didn't approve any upgrades or reboot so beats me why it happened.
05-04-2024 06:49
05-04-2024 06:49
Same here. I go through seasons of wearing it to bed and hadn’t worn it to bed in 2 weeks until the past 2 nights. When I went on this morning to check my data, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Actually, that’s not true. My eyes couldn’t read the data and thought the view was horrible, and I absolutely believed them!! I just can’t fathom how anyone would design this unreadable view, or worse, how it was actually approved and implemented. I guess they don’t use a test audience?
05-04-2024 08:50
05-04-2024 08:50
05-04-2024 08:54
05-04-2024 08:54
05-04-2024 18:28
05-04-2024 18:28
This update is so visually confusing it makes me want to scream... or ditch Fitbit after seven years of faithful use. The colours are almost indistinguishable from each other, the text that labels the different parts of the graph has no clear object, and if I look at it too long (which I have to, if I want to decipher it), my eyes literally hurt. If a fix isn't forthcoming I'm definitely jumping ship. Just another important note: people with learning disabilities or other disabilities use this app too. Updates like this make it FAR less accessible. I'm surprised that such a large company doesn't have a better UX team.
05-04-2024 22:35
05-04-2024 22:35
I agree the graphics are sub-standard and really use unfriendly.
05-04-2024 22:36
05-04-2024 22:36
Yeah, they need a few lessons in graphic design!
05-05-2024 05:21
05-05-2024 05:21
05-05-2024 05:49
05-05-2024 05:49
05-05-2024 05:59
05-05-2024 05:59
It's so disappointing 😞
05-05-2024 08:04
05-05-2024 08:04
I’m a premium user…and I agree that these changes to the sleep reports are not for the better. I was so excited when I set up my new iPhone a couple days ago. The sleep graphics reports were back to the previous version, but today they are the new hard to read, hard to use graphics. If they don’t bring back the user friendly, colorful, easy to read reports, I do not plan to renew premium.
05-05-2024 08:12
05-05-2024 08:12
I do this kind of work, and I would not have advocated making this change…unless some exec forced me to in order to keep my job!!! Hopefully, they will listen to us and go back to the prior version, or give us a choice.
05-05-2024 08:17
05-05-2024 08:17
The answer was not an answer. It was someone trying to help. But it did not address the issue in this forum.
05-05-2024 13:36
05-05-2024 13:36
05-07-2024 22:40
05-07-2024 22:40
100%! Sleep tracking is the very reason I chose Fitbit over Apple Watch! I need a linear graph with depth in different colors...why destroy a perfectly good graph with a horrendous one? I can't stand it, I want them to bring the old version back...or I'll just switch back to AW.
05-16-2024 05:24
05-16-2024 05:24
Nope, I have premium and it is the same, horrible chart. Google doesn’t care about Fitbit.
05-21-2024 08:20
05-21-2024 08:20
TOTALLY AGREE! The new sleep data display is pure crap!!! Put it back the way it was!
05-22-2024 09:51
05-22-2024 09:51
Same reactions here too. I don't know who changed and for what reasons. Is it some job rivalry between Google employees? Someone who wants to mar the Fitbit's prospects? On waking up, the first thing that I looked at was the Sleep pattern graph. But ever since the new graph appeared, I dislike looking at it.