05-30-2024 03:05
05-30-2024 03:05
Sigh.....was so hoping this would not happen. I purchased a replacement Inspire 3. My previous one was having periodic issues with hear rate tracking and other quirks, as well.
Unfortunately, this new one is not any better. I just spent five minutes watching my heart rate allegedly soar up to, and around 120bpm. I'm laying in bed. I grabbed my KardiaMobile which read in the 60s. I used my blood pressure cuff and it was also in the 60s. And it stayed artificially elevated for five minutes!!! I did the same thing with my old Inspire. I think its time for something else. I've worn a fitbit since 2015 or so. Time to change loyalties. This one's going back!
05-30-2024 07:21
05-30-2024 07:21
I am quite often notified that I am earning zone minutes when I am sitting or otherwise not doing anything close to strenuous. It doesn't generally last 5 minutes. Heartrate during exercise seems fairly accurate although occasionally during an exercise walk, it will drop 20 to 30 bpm and stay there even though my pace hasn't changed. Haven't figured that out yet. It's an imperfect device to be sure.