04-01-2019 03:50
04-01-2019 03:50
I received a replacement ionic for my failed watch. Factory repaired but not updated with the latest update. I have tried for three days with no results. It connects to WiFi but will only download 5%. I have reset, removed the app, reinstalled, turned off Bluetooth and back on, removed all other Bluetooth devices, and every other so called fix. I have tried using my computer which won’t even let me move beyond the sign in screen and tried both my iPad and my iPhone . These two connect but as I said only downloads five per cent even leaving overnight. I loved this watch but it is now on my list of frustration. Customer support just issues the same computer generated answers. I can not use it unless it’s updated so pretty worthless.
04-01-2019 05:23
04-01-2019 05:23
Try to use BT only. I never managed to update Ionic using Wifi. Each attempt was unsuccessful. The app should offer you trying to update via BT in case of failure with Wifi. With BT however you need to be veeeery patient as it will take ages.