01-06-2019 06:34
01-06-2019 06:34
Well I'd like to share a pic I took but apparently I cant. On my main screen in the upper left corner there is a small white square with a down arrow and an exclamation point. What is this symbol?
01-06-2019 09:07
01-06-2019 09:07
Could be something to do with an app update or download failing?
If you go on to the fitbit app on your phone and do the following you can see if any updates are available and manually download them.
01-06-2019 17:02
01-06-2019 17:02
07-10-2019 10:28 - edited 07-10-2019 10:29
07-10-2019 10:28 - edited 07-10-2019 10:29
Mine used to have that symbol. But a recent update changed it to a heart, a shoe, and the little refresh looking icon. However, they never change. I believed the heart would show heart rate and shoe would show steps but they dont change.
07-10-2019 10:41
07-10-2019 10:41
Might want to change the clock face. I'm not sure but it doesn't look like Fitbits.
Maybe the developer has not update it . Or contact them
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
07-10-2019 11:21
07-10-2019 11:21