10-30-2018 09:08
10-30-2018 09:08
I suffer from very bad sleep, waking up multiples times at night, with lengths varying from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
In a case like mine, nothing can be done with any watch to track my sleep. It was explained to me that Ionic or any other watch, that uses pulse reading and motion, it is only after three hours that sleep tracking begins, with a sufficiently quiet sleep, (stable recurring pulse and little motion) . If sleep is too irregular, with frequent waking ups and walking around, unstable movements will make sleep registering just impossible. The variations of pulse rythms and movements will confuse the tracker.
Don't do what I have done: troubleshooting the watch all the time. This will not fix the issue and can probably end up damaging a device that otherwise has many useful and nice functions .
I was attracted by the Ionic because of its quite accurate pulse measure during exercises. This was after a delicate heart surgery. I can't really be sure if the first Ionic (before exchanges) could track sleep correctly. I never have had a watch capable of tracking sleep, which in the medical field is one of the most challending and difficult tasks.
I had three exchanges. I am grateful to the team for being so generous todo their best to help and satisfy their clients and keeping up this newly created technology up to its expextancies.
10-30-2018 09:19
10-30-2018 09:19
One correction I have @Comalito it is only after 3 hours that sleep stages or computed. The simple sleep should be calculated after 60 minutes of sleep.
Have you tried using the manual start/stop sleep function found in the app?
10-30-2018 09:35
10-30-2018 09:35
10-30-2018 21:17
10-30-2018 21:17
There is nothing in your first post about the sleep not merging, so sorry if I did not understand.
If to there are two sleep periods that are within an hour then they should be merged, however if the sleep is less than an hour it will not be detected.
Using the manual start and stop will tell Fitbit that every minute in-between should be considered as part of the sleep period.
10-31-2018 09:44
10-31-2018 09:44
Hi Rich,
The intererting function of the watch is the data it gathers to analyse your sleep (REM, Light, Deep). I understand from what you tell me: it's after one hour that the watch will reconize (or won't recognize; and that's an important part ot the whole sissue) that you are asleep. If I am not wrong and please rectify my information, it is after three hours that the watch assuming that you are sleeping, will use the data it acumulated to provide an analysis on the quality of the sleep.
According to all this, if you have a typically perturbed sleep, a lot of movements and probably a higher pulse, the watch will assume after one hour that you are not sleeping. It will not recollect sleep data for another hour and so on. I suppose that this is the reason for advising not to set it on "sensitive", as merely slight movements will lead the tracker to determine for another hour that you are not sleeping.
I tried mechanical "shifting on" sleep. It didn't work, because this will not gather the necessary information for a sleep analysis, gathering only fractions. In my case, it recorded when I started my sleep with a "simplified graph" and this in case that you really fall asleep after starting the device.
At best, if the watch manages to evaluate only a part of your sleep,(If, at least, more than 3 hours) let us say 3 or 4 hours instead of seven; the evaluation graph will give you a notion, some idea of how you are sleeping.
May be and update will introduce something new with all this, but the support team does not even know if that is the case!
Good evening,
10-31-2018 17:28
10-31-2018 17:28
That is why I started with a lot of wake periods the auto detect will not work., I'm surprised that there has not been any screen shots of what is being described with the manual stop/start or a manual add after waking.
I have strange work periods and get some sleep periods of 3 hours, but with wake times in the middle the result is not sleep. 3 hours 11 minutes between falling asleep in and waking up. Yet only asleep for 2:42 sleep. And have stages
11-01-2018 04:51
11-01-2018 04:51
Hi Rich,
I am not a specialist, even less a technician. I can only work with what manual texts and support gives me as a "general criteria" how this watch works.
Even my observations, based on recalling events, results to be very inaccurate. I won't be able to recall with a watch eye precision when I started and activity and when I shifted to another. This is even more true in what concerns sleep.
However, I keep in mind two things about the tracker. Concerning sleep, it is pulse and body movement that allows it to determine if you are awake or sleeping.
From a techical point of view, I don't know how these deviceces detect movement. Pulse can be repeatedly checked for its accuracy with a medical HR measure device.
Have a good day,