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100+ lbs to lose...supportive friends needed here!

I have a long road ahead and am looking for cheerleaders! I have never felt more committed to making weight loss my has become almost a full time job for me. Fortunately I don't work, so I have plenty of time. My mantra is: 2014 IS MY YEAR!!! I began using my treadmill in mid Jan or so and decided after a week or two that I wanted to try jogging on it. Biggest Loser had just ended. I thought if THEY can run, then so can I!!! Bad idea. I'm completing my first month of physical therapy for bursitis in my knee. I was devaststed when I hit this roadblock because as most of you know, weight loss is a big head game, and my head was finally in the right place, and now this. I work hard on my therapy(shout out to Brad and Danielle!!!) and push myself daily. I have a husband and 2 children, 18 and 14, whom I feel I have limited in everything we do, from what kind of vacation we do to where we sit in a restaurant and beyond. I feel sad for letting them down. And I'm angry for letting MYSELF be so limited!! My son goes off to college(Clemson...GO TIGERS!!) in the fall, and I am DETERMINED to help him move in without dying walking from the car or up the stairs! I am tired of being a passenger in my life. THIS IS MY YEAR!! I'm down 18 lbs. so far...12 lbs away from my first goal I set. There will be many more after that. Baby steps. I get very emotional through this process and cry often, even on the treadmill. I don't mind. It's a good release! But the biggest struggle is keeping my window open and my head in the right place, through set-backs and all. Which has led me to this very unorganized post! LOL  So, if anyone out there wants to join me, please feel free to reply 🙂  I need all the help I can get!!!! Thanks

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I've lost (and regained and lost and regained and am losing again) 70 lbs (had 90 off at one point).  It's a battle that I will probably continue to fight for the rest of my life.  If you're looking for commiseration, congratulations, support or help, feel free to add me as a friend.  If you're looking for quick fixes, pseudo-science, fad diet help or quack fat-burning info, I'm probably not your best bet.  lol


Weight loss is 80% what you eat, 20% exercise.  You can't outrun a bad diet, so as long as you're eating within your calorie burn, don't feel too bummed by the current lack of exercise ability.  Your good health depends a lot on exercise, so you'll get there if you work at it for sure!  


I can certainly understand the head games that you go through.  I've gone  through them all myself, and continue to go through them every day.  You can indeed make this your year, but doing your best doesn't necessarily mean that every day will be perfect.  Once you accept that, you'll love your life that much more.  Good luck!

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I'll second the opinion that weight loss is mostly about what you eat, rather than exercise. So don't get disheartened at not being able to workout - you can and will lose weight without the treadmill, as long as you stick to your planned diet. 


I'm sure Biggest Loser has been responsible for a lot of people injuring themselves. Much of the program is aimed at getting contestants to do things that make for good TV, rather than being in the best interests of the contestants.  


Anyway...... keep it up.  Don't look behind or to the sides, just forward to your goal.

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I also have 100+ to lose.

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congrats! considering tha 10 pounds should have been your first goal, you already hit one! you have a fitbit so you already have an exercise plan, just get steps when you are up to it again.

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I also have about 100 lbs to lose. I'm tall as well so it takes more weight loss to lose a size in pants which is even more frustrating! I hope we all achieve our goals and remember one bad day does not ruin a week or more of hard work 🙂

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Are you just getting started? I'd love to support eachother!

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I just joined today and ordered my fit bit.
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i really love my fitbit, and it has helped me be accountable.
i just hate that i have so far to go!!
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I did just start a few weeks ago. Early Febuary. Lets do it!

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I also have 100 pounds to lose and would like to have a team of supporters. I am not sure how to add friends on Fitbit so if you could let me know that would be great.
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Hey Gal!

Good for YOU!!!  12 pounds?!  That's amazing! You will be successful because you have the right attitude.  I don't have quite as far to go, but everyone's path is filled with good times and bad times.  I cry at every marathon I run, and it IS a good way to deal with your feelings about your journey.  It will all be worth it....Keep it up!  You're amazing for being so brave, and while I can't get on board with your choice of schools (haahaa!!) I will extend a big FIGHT ON! from this Trojan Chick from SoCal!

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I am touched by your honesty!  I feel some of your pain and look forward to working on this journey with you!  Much of what you said could have come right out of my mouth, but I've never had the courage you just showed to actually say it!  I'll looking forward to cheering, tauting and messaging you and I need it right back!

Let's go girl!!

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I'm not exactly sure how this all works. I would love to join you, I have 100 plus pounds that I  need to be comfortable with me. Right now not so much. I have 2 amazing kids that are 5 and 1. I do so well at helping others so now I am asking for help to make this weight loss work.

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Hi Chowell, Friending you! Welcome, you'll do great here. Just start logging and walking and don't worry about the rest! You can do this. I log all my foods every day.

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I also have a lot to lose. I have lost 42lb over the last few years without exercise and have recently started again after prchasing a fitbit one. 70lbs left to go. I'd love to have some fitbit friends to help me aong my way and vice versa. Im not sure how to add people though so if anone would like to please feel free to add me. 

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Hi! I am new to fitbit, but I have lost 70 pounds so far and I have another 63 to go. Although, my weight loss has stalled. I haven't gone up in weight, but I havent lost either. It's very discouraging. It's a great thing to find a support group to help you through. Keep up the good work.

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I'm trying to lose 100 as well. It's been a crappy year for me so far. We just moved to a new area and since we've moved I've broke my foot, got the flu 2x, bronchitis, and now hurt my knee. I just found out that the degeration in my knee is so bad that I can't do any weight bearing activity without permant damage. I am dedicated to losing weight. I am goingto make this a GREAT year. I'm tired of not being able to do things with my family. I just need to get over this hump. Right now im struggling to find ways to workout and to STICK to a new lifestlye diet. I AM going to do this!

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I understand your struggle!! Where did you move from/to?  We have moved A LOT!! 14 times in 26 years to be exact!!!  I am learning that setbacks don't mean I should quit.  They are a challenge to work through, and I accept that challenge every single day!

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70 lbs is AWESOME!!! Congrats to you!  You've made it this far, so I'm sure that with some adjustments you can continue to see success.  The struggle is real, and it is daily.  We just have to stay positive and focused and set small goals.

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