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Has anyone heard of the "Zeal for Life Challenge"?

Are there people out there that want to change their bodies with a 90day challenge?

Sandy Savine
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but I have never heard of the zeal for life challenge

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you can go to you can take the 90 day challenge there. people have had amazing results. (you know results are more about what you put in your mouth than how much you exercise)
Sandy Savine
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I find it a bit odd you have to contact a 'Zeal Consultant' to find out if the Zeal For Life Challenge is available in my area...

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I found it online. if you want some of the zeal drink it is from a consultant. but the challenge is just on the site
Sandy Savine
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I agree with that.That what you eat matters immensley along with your activity level.

But I also feel like I should be able to achieve my results with healthy whole unprocessed or minimally processed foods. The supplement industry is a very lucrative business but there is no such thing as a magic drink or pill, and whatever happened with that supposed magic tonic will go away once you stop taking it. I'm not trying to be a killjoy and I certainly hope it works for some folks.

With my health condition I am not allowed to take additional supplements and vitamins with my medication. This looks like a meal replacement. So what happens when you replace teh replacements with real food? I wish you luck in your business but I also wish folks would stop advertising on here. I was hoping this was some new workout routine. 

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I lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks?last spring. before i started with zeal (only a week ago).

These were the changes I made:
1. cut out red meat
2. stopped drinking diet soda (screws with your brain)
3. read every box or package and put back onto the shelf if it had sugar or a derivative of sugar, dextrose. corn syrup etc.
4. started doing yoga. almost everyday and sometime twice a day.
5. made sure I sweat everyday.

I was already playing tennis about 4 times a week and golf maybe 2 times.

I learned recently that if you want to lose fat not just "weight" it is important that you exercise to low intensity so the lactic acid never builds up. for example I would age up after intense tennis but age down from golf. (age up or down based on the tanita body monitor scale i have that give metabolic age).

Below is an article I received from a nutrition supplement company I bought a carbo blocker from during that time. Only took a few, didn't really feel it was doing anything.

I hope all this helps, good luck.


And the answer is (drum roll please...)


That's right, long boring cardio is officially the WORST workout of the year.


Well first, it's boring. I mean, who actually enjoys sitting on an exercise bike or running on a treadmill for 45 minutes? Not many people.

But much more important than that, it fails to produce fatloss RESULTS. Are there health benefits? Sure. But you can get those same health benefits (and more) with much shorter, much more exciting, and invigorating workouts. More on that in a minute...

But first, here's what research has to say about cardio:

Utter AC, et al. Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Int J Sport Nutr. 1998 Sep;8(3):213-22.

-In this 3 month study, women did 45 minutes of cardio a day, 5 days a week, and lost no more weight than those who dieted alone! Seems like a royal waste of time to me!

But perhaps this one study was a fluke? Nope!

Redman et al. Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on body composition and fat distribution. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan 2.

-In this study, subjects did 50 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week, and once again lost no more weight than those who dieted alone!

Well, maybe if they increase it to a full HOUR of cardio a day, SIX days a week, then cardio will actual product substantial results? No again!

McTiernan et al. Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women. Obesity 2007 June - 15:1496-1512.

-Over the course of this one year study, subjects performed aerobic exercise for 60 minutes a day, 6 whopping days a week (who even has TIME for that?) and lost only 3.5 pounds on average in an entire YEAR!

3.5 pounds of fatloss after an HOUR of exercise, nearly every day, for an ENTIRE year. Man, oh man, cardio really is the worst workout ever!

But as mentioned, there is a much better alternative, and that alternative lies in short, intense bouts of exercise.

In fact, a recent study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that 15 minutes of a circuit-style resistance training workout elevated metabolism for a full THREE days! And that's only from 15 minutes!

Other studies have found similar results with interval style workouts as short as 4 minutes producing dramatically more fatloss than long, extended bouts of cardio.

Here's an example bodyweight, short-burst exercise routine that you can try today to boost your metabolism and your fat loss results:

30 seconds of bodyweight squats
30 seconds of push ups
30 seconds jumping jacks

Repeat 4 times.

That workout right there only takes SIX minutes and you'll burn way more fat than you will with those long, drawn out, boring cardio sessions.

But here's the real secret...

NO workout will ever help you lose fat unless you get your nutrition in order. Unfortunately, nutrition is an area where most people really struggle, and sticking to a "diet" long term can be near impossible.

But, have no fear... Coach Josh is here! At the link below, I'm going to take all the guess work out of your nutrition and give you a step-by-step diet to follow that's not only easy to understand, but even EASIER to follow.

Just follow the 3 simple steps I give you here. After all, I show you exactly what foods to couldn't be easier:
Sandy Savine
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