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30 lbs of Fat loss in 40 days

Hey Guys.  I am in Austin, Texas.


I just started a comprehensive medical supervised Fat Loss program that focuses on fine tuning your metabolism to burn fat using nutrition, hormones, exercise, lifestyle changes, and cleansing. Part of the program is using the fitbit.  The program is 90 days. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. in 90 days.


The first 40 days are done with a hormone called hCG. You have to eat like a PIG for two days at buffets, but you have no appetite after the first and have to force yourself to eat on the second.  You get a pedometer that counts ONLY your steps, unlike the fitbit that counts your arm swings.


You have to go to a High Intensity Training center where elite trainers do a Body Fat composition test using a BodPod that is highly accurate. They check to see your Fat Loss to Muscle loss ratio and give you your personal calorie requirements for your body.  


You have to eat a very specific diet that causes the hCG to make your body eat your own fat at 1/2 - 1.5 lbs. a day, depending on how much fat you have, your gender and your current health.  It has meats, veggies and fruits. You also have to drink tea to help get the fat out of your body.  Here is something I did not know, if your poop floats, then you are excreting fat in your poop.


You are supposed to walk 3K - 5K ACTUAL steps each day, but NO aerobics or weights yet. You can do Yoga and stretching too if you want, but nothing that makes you go aerobic for long periods.  Increased heart rates are good, but they say that during hCG hormones if you do high intensity then you will burn your muscle off, which is not what you want if you want a good metabolism.


They look at your fitbit logs and see what you are doing. Every day you get a new Metabolic Lesson to learn and answer questions on. You get lessons on nutrition, hydration, infections, yeasts, alkalinity, hormones, habits, and even on how things are marketed to make you buy them and consume too much.


After the first 40 days, then you switch over to a healthy diet with good food to change your life style habits to keep you losing fat and start building a little muscle, but really getting your metabolism going.


Turns out that after 30 or so, your hGH (Human Growth Hormone) starts dropping and your metabolism slows because your sex hormones also drop. The hGH is the master control hormone that regulates almost all other hormones. As you age the hGH drops and all your other hormones drop too and you get fat. So even if you lose weight on a diet, you will get it all back if your hormones are not balanced properly.  Like insulin (makes your body store fat), Leptin (makes your body feel full and burn fat, Thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), responsible for regulation of metabolism. Serotonin (helps you sleep and recover), Cortisol ( breaks down muscles and slows your metabolism), Testosterone (male sex hormone that makes you burn fat and gain muscle and have a good sex drive), well, anyway there are a lot of hormones that are controlled by hGH.


My hormone tests showed lower hGH and Testosterone and that will make me gain the weight back if I dont get those back up. I have to take injections that will activate my adrenal glands to make hGH and also have Testosterone injections after the hCG hormone phase.  


The elite trainers will put me on a special TIMED eating schedule to make me burn even more fat and increase my hGH where I only eat for a specific 8 hour period and have nothing for 16 hours. It is the same TIMED program Hugh Jackman was on to lean out for his Wolverine movie.


The exercises move into short burst 5 - 10 minute intensity to stimulate the metabolism even more with some small muscle gains.


Hormone levels are checked, body composition is checked, nutrition is checked and education level is checked.  So over 90 days, I am shooting for a realistic (I'm told) 50lbs of Fat loss and 10 lbs of muscle gain.


My starting stats are

244 lbs. 6'1"  

153.7 lbs. of muscle  

71 lbs. of Fat

Testosterone levels at 425 (range 0 - 1000+)

hGH level at 5 (0 - 12)


If anyone wants to know more, I will be glad to answer your questions.

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Where did you find this program, at your doctor?

How is it working four days in?
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Not only is the HCG diet an incredibly dangerous way to lose weight, anyone who sells the drugs for it is doing so illegally. This is not a healthy, nor sustainable form of weight loss.



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I"m interested in hearing more about the timed eating.  You said specific 8 hours and then nothing for 16?  Could you tell us more about that?  Thank you.


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I believe the operative word in the statement is medically supervised. Every wt loss method can be dangerous if not monitored carefully.

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In the Washington DC metro Area there is a wonderful practice that helps men and women get straight with their hormones -   Dr. Derron Simon

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The HCG program in my part of NC was closed down because of the health concerns.  It was a booming practice, medically supervised and all.  However, it was deemed harmful for women who are not pregnant to be taking a pregnancy hormone so that they could lose weight.

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I am averaging about 1 lbs a day so far.  Not hungry and not tired.  Feels sort of weird to not be eating so much.  I found it through a friend who had thyroid issues and was recommended to Dr. Roberto Miranda in Austin. He is a great guy and funny.  

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WOW!  What do you work for the FDA ?  LOL


The article you quoted is correct, but you are not.  You seemed to overlook a small detail about that article.


The article says SPECIFICALLY "over-the-counter" products with hcg.  It does nto say anything about HCG being bad or dangerous.


It is people like you that spread false information to those who are looking for solutions.  Stop.


This is a medical professionally supervised program and it is by prescription only. You ahve to go tothe Pharmacist to get it and it is injected.  So the article is correct in that those guys selling HCG products are ripping people off and they really dont do anything. 


However, HCG is the only weight loss hormone that was developed and approved by Mother Nature.  The FDA is a cronny ben where the former heads of BIG PHARMA drug companies rotate out their CEOs as head of the FDA. I fyou think the FDA is here to help make you well, then think again. No former CEO of any big PHARMA is going to kill their cash cow when they have so many stock options.  


I did my due diligence before taking hormones.  HCG has never had a single incident when it is taken as an injection supervised by certified doctors. Even Dr. Oz has praised it.  So without a singel side effect or incident ever reproted, it is safer than vaccines. Additionally, Mother nature seems to think it is okay to have a fetus exposed to 300,000 units a day for 9 months and the HCG program is only 125 units for 40 days.  Every person knows that if a pregnant woman can take it then it is safe for everyone at any time.  Nuff said.

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yeah I have looked into that stuff a lot too. It is called Intermitent Fasting.

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Yeah agree with that ...  The doctor says he has had 100's of patients with 100% success rate.

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I would like to see who deemed it as such. The FDA has never decided that and it would seem strange that only women are at risk. That can't be the reason, there must be some other reason for it otherwise the whole state would close any and every clinich there was in NC and that di dnot happen. So it makes no sense what youa re saying.

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I am checking into what you said and I am pretty certain you are mistaken.  If one clinic were shut down due to health concerns, it DEFINITELY was NOT concerns about HCG.  Otherwise a statewide health protocol woul dbe in effect.  I will call Dr. Kristin S. Black in Charllote who has an HCG program in NC to ask about what you said.  I hate it when disinformation is put out with checking facts.  You don't work for Big Pharma do you?  😉


Kristin S. Black, M.D. – HCG Diet Doctor Charlotte NC

Dr. Kristin S. Black is board certified in Family Practice, and she offers specialized weight loss programs to help patients meet the challenges of obesity and weight loss resistance. Weight loss with the HCG Diet is one of the specialized plans that Dr. Black offers.


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The HCG program that was in my part of NC was doing a great business.  I took part in it until my primary care doctor told me about the risk of HCG, a hormone that is produced during pregnancy.  I stopped going even though there was some benefit in my weight reduction. All I know is that one day that business was open and then gone without any word.  I was told by a reliable source that it was shut down due to health concerns connected to HCG.


For those of us over 65 with multiple health care problems you have to be careful about what you put in your body.  For instance, my rheumatologist put me on Celebrex and recent blood work shows that my kidneys are being adversely affected.  So, I'm off the Celebrex and in a great deal of pain.  What is good and works for so many, may be very dangerous to others.  HCG is one of the things that has it's supporters, which is fine.  But there are many doctors that have other feeling about using this hormone.  I also have read quite a great deal about the HCG controversy.  I didn't mean to give any mis-information.  So whoever wants to take HCG, fine and good luck with your weight loss program.

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Thank you for that information Aleece71, I'll be looking into that program.

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No problem.  I plan on staying on it for another month or so,  but I am pretty close to where I want to be. The hardest part was getting through the holidays with all the sweets around. lol


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I would like to talk with your physician to hear what is dangerous about HCG???  All the research  have done and it is considerable, shows there has NEVER been a single reported adverse effect to using HCG.  I have looked high and low and there is nothing. I spoke with 3 doctors about the hormone and they said there is nothing they know of that has ever happened bad to anyone, but at the same time there is no study other than pregnancy for 9 months where human fetus, which are NOT pregnant are bathed in HCG at 300,000 units a day that are essential for development and neither hurt the fetus nor the mother. Of course mothers whit multiple children go through a HUGE HCG bath every pregnancy and it is REQUIRED by Mother nature.  Every single drug manufacture knows that unless they can be certified as safe for pregnant women, they have side effects.  Since HCG has NO side effect ever reported I have to think that ANY physician that says there are risks is either ignorant, lying or has an agenda to keep you from the benefits that have been proven by literally millions of people.  So who is your physician? I want to hear where he gets that information that nobody else seems to have.

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The second part of the HCG program uses the Personal Trainer Foods!  Their 90 program has 40 with HCG and 50 with Personal Trainer Foods to keep the fat loss going and keep making healthy eating habits.  It's cool that you have had success with it. I look forward to doing it too.

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Good Luck with it Jimmy! I don't know anything about the HCG stuff, I just ordered the Personal Trainer Food and did the program which doesn't involve anything else.  I do exercise but what you eat is even more important when you want to loose weight. The online food food program has weight loss coaches you can call for support if you have questions which is nice also, they have been very friendly and helpful. I'm just going on my own but like that it does not involve drugs.  I worry even when they say they are safe.  🙂


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I get it JimmyH you are sold on HCG.  However, you don't have to be so condescending and arrogant about your beliefs.  What is your HCG made from.  Purified hormone from the urine of a pregnant horse or synthetic lab produced?  If your happy, that's all that counts.  What I or my physician believe is of no consequence. There is no way I would ever give permission for anyone to speak with any of my physicians . Are you a medical professional?  Would you keep a patient who would go against your medical judgement knowing your full medical history?  My physicians are far from ignorant by the way.  Have a nice day.

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