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Any suggestions to have accountability via Fitbit?

The grown-up in me says, "Be responsible for your own actions", however the teenager in me says, "Not today".

Although seeing results is a great feeling, it's easy for me to slip and postpone working out, or I have more cheat days.

Any upcoming challenges to help give inspiration or motivation?


I'd appreciate the input.... Thanks 🙂 


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Hope,  I read on my treadmill.  Then I don't feel guilty for wasting time reading on the couch.  Try to find a way you can enjoy exercise.  Maybe take up dance???   Maybe a stationary bike &  a book or TV would work for you?

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@Hope41day Welcome to the community. I think making friends in the community is a great start to keeping up with your daily goals. I am sure folks will invite you to their challenges or you can start one and invite them. Keep the chat going to make it more interactive and fun, not to mention get folks to cheer you on with stepping. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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one of the things i do is set achievable goals, many times I'm at work and think about my workout for later in the day. I tend to set some difficult goals and end up postponing it for another day because I'm tired or not in the mood or busy with other things at home.


planning smaller more achievable goals helps me maintain a consistent schedule. Now, once I'm in the workout i adjust as needed.


it's like tricking yourself to a small little workout and end up doing way more than planned.


I also agree with the lady that mentioned staying close to the community, that helps too.

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Hi Hope,   I just got a recumbent bike and I set a goal of a very short 10 minutes a day.   It is an easy way to start, just  minutes, so I can make myself just do it.   I am 66 so it is going to take me some time to get into better shape.   Harder to put it off when it is so short a workout.   My goal is to just do the  minutes and not worry about doing 15, or 20 right now.  I will keep this short workout until it has become a habit, when I remember to do it and just do it, then I can think about moving it to  12 minutes,   baby steps, make it simple, make it easy and make it a habit,   No cheat days ever!   If I stay on program with food and exerise I can reward myself with a NON FOOD treat.  It might be a new set of measuring cups, a soft pair of sox a movie, a book, or $10 in scratch off tickets.  Avoid using food as a reward.   Good luck


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You have such a good idea!  Your 10 minute goal is inspirational.  I have a new  bad case of gout arthritis and am 79 but I think I can do this with you.  I have a stationary recumbent bike.  I googled and rowing machines are not good for arthritic knees but bikes are.

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Basil,  Did you do your 10 minutes on your bike today?  I did, thanks to you.  

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I agree. Start with small, easy to repeat practices, which you repeat over weeks, to make into habits. Then you work on increasing those to improve on your results. If you go to a gym, get friendly with folks to know who is a regular. Recruit a friend or neighbor to check on your progress, and use the fitbit stats as your ultimate measure of accountability. If you have friends on social media, post screenshots there (the good and the bad).


Good luck.

CharlesKn | Mid-Atlantic, USA
60+, strength and cardio
Charge 5, Android, Windows

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Hey Hope,

I am also looking for an accountability partner. I'm in a wheelchair so my goals/exercises may be different from yours,  but I'd be happy to keep eachother accountable.

Take care

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I would like to join your accountability group. Maybe we can have a daily or weekly challenge.

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Hi jrudolph1210,

I'm in a wheelchair so I'm not sure if/how the challenges would work for
me. So far I'm not finding fitbit very wheelchair friendly. Feel free to
add me as a friend though
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Today I realized I met my 10-year anniversary of being a constant Fitbit user, and I've not been keeping up.  I'm 71 years old, have slowed down, have a lot of aches and pains, and generally feel like I'm too busy to check in with the Fitbit Community. That needs to change..  If you want to start and challenge with me I'm in.  Right now too much snow on the ground for walking outside but I can do indoor walking if I pushed myself.  I wish we had a quick message board to check in throughout the day.  Maybe I'm missing this?

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