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Another not losing weight saga...but need advice since I'm a newbie....

So I just started this Fitbit thing with my new Charge 2 I got on August 19.  It is now September 13.  I have been walkiing an average of 17,000 to 19,000 steps per day walking briskly around my neighborhood.   Sometimes jogging.   I am 5'6 and keep at the same bobbling fluctuation of 156-158 pounds.  My resting heartrate is 62 average.  I am a 47 year old female.


I haven't been tracking my eating until today but can tell you that I am not eating as much as I used to.  I am watching my carbs a bit and  am not losing as much as I think I should.  I keep going back and forth on the scale and want to lose 11 pounds to get to 145.  I do like my wine in the evening but do not overdo it.  What is it?  I am also trying to drink more water.....even though it's not my favorite.  


I feel it in my clothes a bit, and feel much better.  My friends say they can tell I look more "fit" but the scale doesn't budge.  Help!

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First of all, congrat for the great step count! With that kind of activty level, you are able to maintain your weight eating a decent amount of calories. If you want to lose some, you just have to cut the calories. Have a critical look at what and how much you’re eating (and drinking). Since you mention wine, that’s where I would start: I understand having some in the evening is a treat for you; maybe you could start cutting it by half (e.g. one glass instead of two, or half a glass instead of one), then have it only every second day etc. I personally like wine (I’m French!), but only drink it in connection with meals, and if there are people around, never on my own. But that’s just me. I had a similar habit with dark chocolate: I would eat some every evening, for comfort / pleasure. It took me a while, but I got rid of that habit. I still love dark chocolate, but only eat it outside, or if someone offers me from, I never buy any myself. By progressively eliminating or reducing such habits, you can shave off the amount of calories that will let the weight drop over time. At BMI 25, you’re in the fortunate situation where you don’t have to do anything extreme: as you say yourself, you only want to lose 11 pounds (some people have to shed 100+ pounds to reach the level where you’re already at). What you want to do is perfectly possible without counting calories, by just "cleaning" your diet a little bit. Again, I would focus on the diet, since your activity is already at a very good level (and much higher than the average).

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Pretty much gotta track those eating numbers so you see where you're at . Wine isn't too bad that way. A bottle of dry red wine is only around 625 calories.

Have to get a calorie deficit going. You're walking like 8-10 miles a day so you should be burning quite a lot.

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@Bill_k: I took wine because @wohlvo mentioned it and it appeared to be a recurrent item. It could be any other recurrent item, also from solid items. Liquid ones (whether alcoholic or not) are a good way to start, because drinking your calories doesn’t provide much satiety.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@wohlvo I'll weigh in (no pun intended) with my obnoxious extreme view.  You can log your eating and lose weight, or continue to tell yourself that you are reducing caloric intake based on no evidence and stay stalled.


Weight loss is 90% about what you eat (or don't eat) and 10% about what you burn in exercise.  You are already measuring the least impactful factor (physical activity).  My suggestion is to also measure the most impactful factor (eating).


The practice of carefully logging your food will really open your eyes up as to where your excess calories are consumed.  Oh yeah, and if you going to log your eating, you have to record EVERYTHING.  Including the wine.  Sorry.

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Yah i'm sure many people don't realize that just eating a little packet of healthy almonds is likely 250 calories or a tablespoon of olive oil is 120 calories or a glass of milk is 250 calories.

It can add up pretty quick.

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@wohlvo woman to woman same age, almost same height.. its what you are eating. I promise you. Whatever you think you are eating or hope you are eating, you are eating more. It is not intentional. Its just the way it is. If you cook with olive oil, you are not factoring that in. If you lick your knife after spreading jelly, you are not counting that. If you open the fridge and get a grape, you are not counting that. By the end of the day, you consciously at 1800 calories and 600 more unconsciously. Now you are over your allowance to put you in deficit and your walking is keeping you at maintenance. You have to count it all- everything that goes in your mouth, gets logged in your app. You will be shocked how fast it all adds up. And please, please, please weigh. Don't use measuring spoons or cups- you will go over the serving. Good luck with whatever you choose to do- let us know how it goes.  

Elena | Pennsylvania

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