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Anyone else using Fitbit and My Fitness Pal?

I've used MFP off and on for a couple of years & really like it for ease of food tracking.  MFP and my Fitabit talk to each other, but I'm not really sure how they complement each other.

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I have been posting all of my food in MFP and my exercise in FB.  I was worried that if I let them "talk" to each other about my activity, I might get more credit for activity than I was due.   I think MFP does a better job of the food part and certainly has more food in their database.  

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I have-  I also log in my activites through FB instead of MP- so that it won't double post.  The calories earned through your FB will be listed as *earned calories burned through exercise*  on you MFP page towards the bottom.  

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I have a MFP accout and have been using it on and off for 2 years.  I think it has a larger database and definately more options for food, portions , etc  than FB.


Food / water intake goes into MFP

Steps / activities go into FB 


I did make the mistake of logging my water in both once ... 96 ounces in an afternoon is a bit scary! LOL 

Goals: Low Carb, high fat, 70-20-10 .... lose 20 pounds by 6/2017
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Been using both for over a year now & they work great together, as above , I log all my food on MFP & make sure I log cycling etc with a start & duration time in MFP also, if you do this it all works very well together. 

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As others said, I really think they are a good compliment. Food is much easier to track in MyFitnessPal, as is exercise. My biggest lessons learned:


1) Make sure you get pretty accurate times for excercise start and duration when you enter exercise in MFP.


2) FitBit will send extra calories it thinks you've burned to MFP as a "Fitbit Calorie Adjustment" if it thinks you've undercounted for a day. I generally try to ignore these when deciding how to drive a given day's calorie allotment down to zero.


3) I like the social features of MFP a little better than FB.

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I am also a MFP user.  I track all activities that require manual entry (exercise, food...) over on MFP and allow FitBit to track my steps through the day, my weight (have an Aria) and the like.  I also have MFP set to accept negative calories from FitBit which means if I sit on my tail all day I lose calories, which pushes me to get up so I can have a all my calories that day.  


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If you logg everything in MFP it will not double the calories burned.  That is why the MFP asked what time you started working out.and how long.  The fitbit takes that information and ignores that time period for calories burned so that you dont double the amount of caloires in both apps.    Important to log correct time and duration and ensure your apps MFP and Fitbit are linked.


Biggest problem right now seems that MFP is not logging information from the fitbit site today.  No cal adjustments showing for fitbit activity all day today.  Anyone else having this issue?

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Yes every time I put something into MFP I put specific time periods.  I usually use the FitBit to get me those time periods by starting a timer and ending the timer for the activity then when I get home I can go to the activity screen find the time period enter the information in MFP and then drop the activity from FitBit.  This ensure I don't double count any activity.  

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I, along with most, log all of my food in MFP. I use the Flex to log all of my steps. I absolutely love to fact they talk. it cuts my phone/pc time in half (only logging one instead of twice is B-E-A-U-tiful!) For any MFP members who want to give/receive encouragement I have the same screen name for both. Woman Very Happy   


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Like everyone else if I have to log something it goes into the MFP app and the automatic stuff (steps) is from the FB. The nice thing about MFP is I am doing Low Carb as well and I was able to set custom goals so I can stay on track with that very easily. 

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Anyone else been having problems with fitbit currently syncing with MFP lately. Mine seems not to update like it did before. Only way is to unlink both accounts then relink them like four times aday to keep it updated
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I do not use MFP, how do you get MFP to "talk" to your FB?


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MFP or my fitness pal is linked together at thier website. Goggle the question and there are step by step instructions to do it for you.
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I use both and have them sync. They compliment each other well. To get them to sync go to myfitnesspal and click on APPS and then scroll down to Fitbit and click it and then there is a link to sync your accounts. However, I have noticed on a pretty regular basis i have to unsync and resync the two accounts to get them to work. I think this is a pretty common bug as my research has shown others have the same issue. It only takes 3 seconds to do but it would be nice if they worked that kink out. MFP states that you need to log your exercises and food through them. There is a huge warning page right when you sync that tells you exactly how you need to do things for it to continue working and I do, but find that sometimes its easier to just unsync and resync the accounts a couple times a week.

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I used them both. Food in mfp and cardio in MFP and keep track of everything else in FB. I think they compliment each other very well
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I have my MFP and my FB synced and I love it but I have a question.  Is anyone else's calories way off?  My FB calories are much less, which should I be using? Thanks so much!

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I started using MFP to log my food intake and have it sync with Fitbit. I wasn't sure how it would work, but it does sync well and I find MFP has a greater amount of items on their food list so I don't have to manually add as much. Everything else, activity/water/sleep/steps is done thru Fitbit. What I was wondering, I noticed when the food is synced and it shows as "breakfast summary" etc and I tap on the arrow to see more the top of the screen over the word breakfast summary has the word Cosi. Is this supposed to be there? I only wondered because when I started using MFP I went to a restaurant called Cosi and not sure if I did something that is causing the word to appear??

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I too have been using MFP + FB, but only for the last two months. I have been on MFP for two years and it's worked great for me. I did notice after I got a heart rate monitor though, MFP was way overestimating my calorie burn during exercise, however I feel that FB underestimates - but I'd rather go with the underestimation.


I wonder, though, whose calorie target do you go with - My Fitness Pal or Fitbit's? MFP tells me if I want to lose one pound a week, eat 1270 calories - Fitbit says more like 1500. A bit of a difference there! I know I'll lose weight only eating 1270 but with how much I exercise, it's really difficult for me to hit that low. I know the easy answer would be "eat more then" but generally speaking, which is more accurate? (For the record, I usually eat around 1500, more on the weekends, and not losing weight). 

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I have both of the apps and they work together. But I haven't been logging in my food cuz it takes too much time. But I love my fit bit! I wish I had more time because when I was logging in my meals I was more conscious of what I ate.
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