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Anyone have an Aria Scale?

I am debating on whether or not to get one and the cost is what is really holding me back. Is it worth it? What are your opinions on the scale? Pros and cons? 

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I've had one for about a year and love it!  When I turn on the shower and the water is getting warm, I just step on the scale, and all my data gets logged.


There is a section  in the "help forums" for the Aria, and you'll find more info there.

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It depends on what you're looking for.


  • It's a good looking scale
  • Veryyyyy easy to set up on your home network 
  • The convience of having it upload directly to your account is handy
  • It's fun to play with and compare with friends about BF%(even if its not accurate, see cons)
  • The weight is accurate 


  • It is pricey
  • If you have multiple users of similar body weight you have to be quick to mark your weight for yourself
  • The body fat percentage is a complete joke(it says I am 33% body fat, if you look at my icon you can see that 33% is a gross over estimation, my picture is recent and accurate of my apperance; additionally I have a male friend who is overweight and it calculated his body fat at only 16% and my boyfriend who is in amazingggg shape at 18%)

I didn't own a scale and I got my Aria on sale so I got it for the convience of intergration, if I had paid full price I would likely be returning it based on the miscalculation of BF%

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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!  Well worth the money and keeps everything in one spot

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@Sierra wrote:
  • The body fat percentage is a complete joke (it says I am 33% body fat, if you look at my icon you can see that 33% is a gross over estimation, my picture is recent and accurate of my apperance; additionally I have a male friend who is overweight and it calculated his body fat at only 16% and my boyfriend who is in amazingggg shape at 18%)

Clearly the Aria's body fat feature doesn't work for you. This doesn't mean it can't work for someone else. Have you had your body fat % determined elsewhere, using other methods? Do you use your Aria consistently at the same time of the day and in the same conditions? Do you drink a lot of water?


I've had an Aria for the past six months. I always use it first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom. As I don't drink nor eat during the night, this should translate into consistent conditions of use. As expected, I also get very consistent results in terms of body fat %. A lady friend of mine uses my Aria when she comes over: she sees huge variations in body fat %, but I believe this is because she drinks inordinate amounts of water and uses the Aria at various times of the day.


As to differences between females and males, I assume you are aware of the fact women are naturally "fatter" than men (see reference values below). However, I agree you wouldn't qualify as "obese" based on your profile's pic.


Body fat % reference

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@Dominique wrote:

@Sierra wrote:
  • The body fat percentage is a complete joke (it says I am 33% body fat, if you look at my icon you can see that 33% is a gross over estimation, my picture is recent and accurate of my apperance; additionally I have a male friend who is overweight and it calculated his body fat at only 16% and my boyfriend who is in amazingggg shape at 18%)

Clearly the Aria's body fat feature doesn't work for you. This doesn't mean it can't work for someone else. Have you had your body fat % determined elsewhere, using other methods? Do you use your Aria consistently at the same time of the day and in the same conditions? Do you drink a lot of water?


I've had an Aria for the past six months. I always use it first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom. As I don't drink nor eat during the night, this should translate into consistent conditions of use. As expected, I also get very consistent results in terms of body fat %. A lady friend of mine uses my Aria when she comes over: she sees huge variations in body fat %, but I believe this is because she drinks inordinate amounts of water and uses the Aria at various times of the day.


As to differences between females and males, I assume you are aware of the fact women are naturally "fatter" than men (see reference values below). However, I agree you wouldn't qualify as "obese" based on your profile's pic.


Body fat % reference



I have checked it at various times of the day in attempts to get an accurate reading(morning, midday, evening) and compare them. I compare the morning % to the next mornings, the midday % to the next middays, etc. Same with my boyfriend and friend. 


And yes, I am well aware of the differences between males and females, but does this look like 18% body fat to you?




I think it's beyond just an issue for me. I believe it is a great and accurate scale, just not so much when it comes to measuring body fat percentages. One could compare the fluctuations of their readings to obtain data and ignore the actual numbers, but for full price I don't think it'd be worth the trouble.


Also, here is a more comprehensive/accurate chart for body fat percentages that considers age as well.



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Sierra - There are two different "modes" that can be set by a user when they are linked to an Aria - "Lean" and "Regular". (by way of the "gear" on the site, and then clicking on Aria.)


Which setting are you using?


Based on what you are saying, I'm guessing you're set at "Regular" (the default) but should be set at "lean".


UPDATE:  I looked around the Andriod App and can't see where you can set it there, and I don't have access to an iPhone.

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I have an Aria scale and I use it every day.



-No data entry to get my weight logged.  I'm in the habit of weighing myself at the same time everyday so the relative change is easy to see.




-My weight seems to always be about one pound higher than my wifes Weight Watchers digital scale but this is not a big deal for me.


Hope this helps..

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If memory serves, those BF scales work primarily by measuring resistance through your body. The more water you have in your system, the faster the signal is returned and the lower your bodyfat. Most scales of these types provide only a rough guideline.  For my money, I think some calipers for body fat tests are a more accurate way to go.


That's not to say that the Aria isn't a great scale and perhaps it uses a more accurate algorithym. I don't own one - but that's because of my past experiences with other body fat scales.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I have one and love it.  I love that it enters the data for me.  I love watching my BF% going down as my weight goes down.  I don't think any of these types of scales are totally accurate for body fat % but it is still helpful to have some kind of idea when you are losing if you are losing fat or muscle.  Keep in mind also that an individual can look thin and have fat inside and around their organs.  Watch Michael Mosely documentaries.  He is thin but developed Type 2 Diabetes.  When tested doctors were able to show him he was filled with fat internally.  He needed to change his way of eating and exercise even though from all appearances he "looked" fine.

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I don't mean to offend - just to warn others - be sure you have your virus protection up and virus definitions updated before you click on links. I just got alerted to some malware - Windows Security Console malware by clicking on that first link.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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Thanks for the warning about the links!  Geez!  Your quote is so appropriate about those that don't know what they are doing have no idea they don't know.  Smiley Happy  I know not to click on links in emails sent to me but did not even think about there being a problem with cutting and pasting a link to those documentaries!  I have a mac and from what I understand they are not so vulnerable to viruses.  But that makes me forget to be careful for other's sake.  So, no offense taken. Glad you warned everyone!  if someone wanted to watch the videos, could they cut and past the link into their browser without it being a risk?  

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Actually, I think I'm about to eat some crow. After reading your reply, I remember that FitBit sent me your post with the links in it - and that's where I clicked it - from within my e-mail. myself.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I just confirmed - clicking on the link from FitBit forum is safe - or at least, seems to be. No silly malware popping up like it did from the email from FitBit with the link.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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That's great!  Good to know! 

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I think the Aria represents total commitment. Your efforts are not segmented. It facilitates keeping all data in one place so you easily "see" the full picture of your status.
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I have the Aria and I do love it. BUT... it is consistently 2 lbs. higher than my analog scale.  So I won't step on it until I am sure that I will weigh in lower than my last recorded weight.  I lost 10 lbs. before I got the scale, lost 5 lbs. since (got a 5 lb. weight loss badge) and have since gained back 5 lbs.  I don't want to lose my badge so I am staying away from the scale until after New Years.

*** fitbit one ~ 45 lbs. to go ***
@River61_NYC on Twitter
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Love, love my Aria scale!


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Before I even got given the Fitbit Flex, I bought a £20 body analysis scale from a pharmacy and it does the trick, although the advantage of the Aria one automatically saving the data without you inputting it. I am contemplating buying the Aria, but it depends on how long the Fitbit lasts too? I'd imagine it relys on good wifi too, so if you don't get the wifi in your bathroom, it might cause problems? I wouldn't know.. But its a thought to discuss if anyone knows about that? 

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

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I had a credit at REI and they had them on sale so I bought one. It was incredibly easy to set up on my network and it seems to be accurate, at least as far as weight is concerned. I really have no idea with regarding to the fat/lean percentage. I weight a couple of days a week first thing in the morning. In the past, with the analog scale, if I was a little higher then I'd ignore that as an "aberration" and weigh again the next day. With the Aria, it is what it is! So it actually makes me a little more determined to lose the weight. I like ours and use it faithfully. Good luck!

@HeidiM wrote:

I am debating on whether or not to get one and the cost is what is really holding me back. Is it worth it? What are your opinions on the scale? Pros and cons? 


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