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So, I challenged myself to not eat bread for 30 days.  I am NOT on a low carb diet.  I am just addicted to bread.  Wraps are still a part of my diet while on this challenge. I am hoping this helps jumpstart my weight loss.  Has anyone stopped eating bread completly and lost a good amount of weight?

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No - but....I make my own so I control the portions and the ingredients so like to think it's a healthier alternative 🙂


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I stopped eating almost all bread for a few months, as it just seemed to be so caloric compared to other things (e.g. rice cakes). It was part of a general overhaul of what I was eating, plus using the FitBit and exercising a lot more, so I did lose weight, but couldn't say for sure whether it had much to do with bread specifically. I did eat bagels from time to time, but they're better than your average sliced loaf! 


I've started baking for myself now, and use MyFitnessPal to calculate the nutritional values. I've found this to be a really useful way to ensure that if I am eating bread, it has some nutritional punch (e.g. I make a wholewheat bread with seeds and milk, which is pretty darn good!). 


I typically make bread with wholewheat flour, but have recently made some things with white flour and I find those very moreish. I think, as a rule, I'm going to stick to baking with wholewheat, rye, etc., which are also delicious but don't seem to activate that same irresistible urge to eat more! If you're not into baking, I'd recommend things like wholewheat bagels and seeded or walnut bread.

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I love baking and have found that if I do crave sweets or things I know I shouldn't be eating, if I bake it and give it away - it helps to curb those urges because I can have one and get the rest out of the house 🙂  I have a list of names and use a random number generator for a lucky winner when the urge hits me!


I have a recipe that I've tweaked from King Arthur Flour's website "Harvest Grains Bread"  It uses some White Whole Wheat Flour and instead of seeds the original recipe called for, I use a 10 grain cereal, subtitute the oil for olive oil, etc so I've been able to use different ingredients for a healthier slice. 


I can't hardly eat rice at all - it totally knocks me out faster than a sleeping pill!


More than anything - I just like knowing what's in it - less processed chemicals




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Agreed! Bake-and-gift is a nice way to treat yourself without breaking the diet. I take things to work a lot. Plus, freezing. I have parmesan-and-onion bread, wholewheat bagels, peshwari naan, banana bread and pumpkin pancakes all in my freezer at the moment! It's a great way to have variety whilst being able to just eat a little of something, i.e. one bagel without feeling that you're 'wasting' the other four if they're not quickly eaten. 

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I have been told that commercial bread is not a help to us. It has been recommend to me that women do not eat commercial bread after 12 Noon. The density and chemical ingredients are hard to digest and it takes longer for women to digest the bread. I prefer to eat hole grain such as German Seiben Corn Brot-- 7 grain bread. I to have limited my bread intake -- I love bread :). As it stands at this time I only eat bread when my wife give it tom me (once a day some days) and when I eat at the German restaurant.

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I was addicted to bread and insulin resistant. In January I gave up all gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol and caffeine for 6 weeks. I discovered by elimination that I have a gluten allergy and have lost 33 pounds. My weight loss has slowed down so I started walking, running some, and next week, I am going to back off dairy again. So, bread has been a huge factor for me. As long as I was eating gluten, no amount of cutting calories worked for me.


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Bread is an occasional thing for me. I have maintained my weight loss for 8 years. I only eat bread when I am running over 50 miles a week.
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Do you use a bread machine or by hand?  Can you share a recipe and what the nutritional values are?  Calories, fat and fiber are my concerns?


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Can you share how you tweeked it and what the nutrional values are?


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