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CANT lose weight

Hey everyone,

I am feeling a little down today.
I've had fitbit charge hr for the past month. Nonetheless, I have been trying to lose weight for the past 1 and a half. I started with 86kg and I am now at 74.3 kg. Its been 1 month amd a half that I have reached my goal (running for 25) and No change has come to my body. I have lost 5 cm on my belly, but my weight has not changed for the past month. I eat only healthy stuff and have been doing a deficit of 1000 calories with the hope of losing 2kg per week (fitbit app deficit goal)

Can anyone help me please? I dont know whats wrong...
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This really scares me, you need to eat more. Food is not the enemy it is your energy/ fuel without proper nutrition you won't be able to function properly. This mind set looks like anorexia, I think you should read some scientific research on nutrition to get a better understanding. You will probably be less scared of food if you gain such an understanding.

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Now you need to log like I said your food and just your extra activity into healthsidekick the number will adjust over the next several weeks and as you log to become more and more accurate. The number that you have right now is just your starting number which is off. It's the same number Fitbit starts you off with but as you log it will adjust most likely down to give you an accurate weightloss number that if you stick below you will lose.
Having an accurate number is key to weight loss.
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You may not be aware of what is going to happen using that site and the normally good method of figuring out TDEE by means of actual weight changes.


She's already eating less than 800 calories. I'm not sure if you been reading the actual posts or not.


And not losing weight.


Therefore the calculations will say that she needs to eat less.


Except that is the whole reason why her body is in the state it's in.


While the method of looking at weight changes and estimating TDEE on that and eating levels can be somewhat good - they fall apart for weight gains that are related to water because of workouts, and really fall apart because of an unhealthy body that is not doing what the math would suggest - and following those calcs will just make it worse.


I'll sit by for the expirement to start and I'll be listening for what the first recommended eating level is based on the weight change seen.


Which I know she is going to gain water weight, no way around that, jumping her eating up to that suggested BMR level.

That will imply to non-thinking calculations that she is eating too much, and give a recommendation to eat lower.


My only hope is that during the time of eating more her body is willing to get healthy faster than the calculations are going to force her eating level right back down again.

I think in this case the calc's will lose.

Help the next searcher of answers, mark a reply as Solved if it was, or a thumbs up if it was a good idea too.
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There are thousands of different variables that cause weight gain and to think you can figure out an accurate basal metabolic rate which is what every current site does is a chase after wind.
if you can manually adjust your TDEE , and accurately log your food and Fitbit is spot on everyday (which we know all have margins of error) maybe you get an accurate weight loss number. This is a stupid way to get an accurate weight loss number and takes to much time and energy. By logging into HSK she will get an absolute accurate weight loss number based on what she logs.
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Here are my thought: I was diagnosed as "obese with severe medical complications, along with diabetes that was totally out of controls". Being in my 50's, to me that sounded like a death sentance. I began reading all that I could find about health and diet. I wrote down info that I felt I could incorporate into my lifestyle, and some ideas where I needed to change my lifestyle. My weight starting out was 308 pounds. First thing I got rid of was soda, and replaced it with water flavored with sugar free, low calorie drink mix packets. I tried to eat more vegetables and less processed meals like pizza. Snacks were fruit, cottage cheese with peaches, yogurt, and a glass of milk mixed with whey protein powder. Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. Walk every morning, or at least once a day to start off with. My waist size at this time was 42-44, and I bought a pair of jeans that were size 36 waist. Every week I would try those jeans on. So....putting exercise along with diet and knowledge, along with some vitamins, after 6-7 months, I am happy to report, I am down to 205 pounds with a 35 inch waist. My medicine for diabetes went from 90 units of insulin twice a day, along with blue Flex insulin pen 3 times a day, and 2 different pills, and now I take No Insulin shots, and only 1 pill of Invokana to control my diabetes. I always need to watch what I eat, and how much I eat, but I continue to get healthy. Now I lose maybe a pound or 2 during the week, and I am ok with that. Someone called me "slender " the other day, a word I have not heard in a long time. Stay positive and never tell your body you can't do this and that. Change your feelings about yourself, and think, "I Can do this, and I Will do this!" Always strive to be healthy and happy will follow-JPF
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One of my good freinds started at 280 and had the same type of experience regarding diabetes and had liver issues as well. It's scary and makes for great motivation, but there are alot of people that are 30-50 pounds overweight that also need to know how easy it is to lose weight when you don't have that type of fear to motivate you. My freind is still losing and is in this area. He has lost a bit of the motivation (fear of dying) so how does he keep moving foward. Slowly and eating at a small deficit which is the only way to lose weight when you have lost the motivation to lose it.


LOSING WEIGHT is so EASY once you get through all the B.S. and lies people tell themselves. EVERYONE CAN DO IT!

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I thank you all for giving your advice.


Yet I don't think you understand... I am NOT the kind of person that drinks soda (I hate sparkling drinks) nor eats pizzas or anything like that. My weakness is oreos cookies BUT I almost never have them. 


I have followed you advice and I have created an account on HSK and first it said my prime number was 1880 and now it says 1760 as I gain 1kg in 2 days...


I go to the gym everyday, I do HITT, I do weights (not everyday the same and in the same day), and I do cardio.. My foods now are healthy fats and healthy meals (salmon, oats in the morning, whole grain pasta if any, avocado, a lot of lettuce and broccolis, zucchini, eggs)..


And nothing.. I know that for sometime I was doing all this but only having 2 meals a day, thus 700 calories per day and almost 3L of water per day. Now I am having 5 meals a day (3x meals and 2 snacks) and eating around 1400 calories. I feel better but I gain weight and I feel sad.. i am still motivated.. after all I am now 75kg and was 86kg but still for a long time (more than 6 months) I have not been able to get to at least 69kg and I have no idea what I am doing wrong.... I know @thismighthelp guy gave me some good tips but seeing my weight go up feels like my body is just joking around...

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@Liitleshadow wrote:

I know that for sometime I was doing all this but only having 2 meals a day, thus 700 calories per day and almost 3L of water per day. Now I am having 5 meals a day (3x meals and 2 snacks) and eating around 1400 calories. I feel better but I gain weight and I feel sad.. 

First of all, isn't it the real goal?  To actually feel better?  Don't you think that means your body is actually healthier, not closer to some number that a committee decided was the appropriate weight for you to be?  So I don't think that's something to be upset about.  I understand why you are, but I think you need to step back and take a look at the big picture here.


At this point your body likely has some healing to do.  You've been starving it, which has damaged it.  Putting on a little weight isn't surprising at all, but it's also not a bad thing.  And it's probably temporary too.  "Temporary" might be longer than you would like, maybe even by a lot, but it's neccessary and healthy.


Your body will eventually settle in, be a little more predictable and normal compared to people that have been feeding their bodies properly.  It's just going to take some time and patience.  Right now I don't think your goal should be losing weight, it should be giving your body the proper nutrition so it can heal itself and work properly over the long haul, and working properly will eventually mean you can lose weight eating a reasonable amount of food.  But you have to fix it first, and then lose the weight.





FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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Hey LittleShadow,


I recently in two months lost 30+ pounds with the aid of the fitbit over a period of 2 months with literally no cardio or anything.  I can give you some tips that I learned:


First is when I first got the Fitbit Charge HR, I didn't get as into the nutrition part of weight loss until a few weeks in.  After that I did some research on how to lose weight in a safe way.  I was a wrestler in high school and have cut weight before and lost weight very quickly (which is not very safe, lost 15 pounds in 4 days).  That is mostly just water weight but to burn fat you actually don't need to work as hard.


What you should look at on your FitBit is how much calories you burn per day.  Depending on you size, it can vary.  I am 6' 1" and have a larger build so I think I burn calories quicker than smaller people.  Normally I burn completely sedentary about 2500-3000 calories per day.  If I do 10000 steps it is 3500-3700, 20000 it is 4000-4200 and 25000-27000 is it 5000-5100 by just walking!  I don't know what it is for you but I would encourage you to test that to see where you are at.  Than I would just decrease your intake of calories by 1000.  The other thing is I would eat according to the food guide pyramid.  Eat more complex carbs, fruits and vegetables and go light on the meat and dairy.  Unless you are eating fruit eat AS LITTLE SUGAR as possible.  If you don't use sugar (and this goes for substitutes too) it will just accummulate in your problem areas.  I would drink ONLY coffee, tea or water.  You should actually drink about 64 OZ of water per day (about 2 liters).  I would not skip meals either.  Make sure you have at least breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday.  I would also cheat a little so you don't drive yourself nuts, too.


After a while you may hit a point where you don't lose weight.  In this case you can try techniques such as calorie cycling or intermittant fasting (google thiese for more info) to strategically burn extra tough to get off fat.


For exercise, weight should come off faster with running and full body workouts but a lot of basic weight can actually come off from just walking.  You can do strength training which will help build muscle which can burn the fat faster.  Cardio can burn lots of calores but can also make you hungrier so use with caution that that can happen.  Other tips is you easily do 1500-1700 steps in 15min, ~3000 steps in 30 mins, 5000-5500 in 45 mins and 6500-7000 from an hour of walking.  You can put little walks in throughout your day which can help with your overall burn throughout the day.  I do one 15min in the mid morning, a 45 min one at lunch time and another 30 minute on right after work.  A total of 1 hour and 30 minutes of walking workouts per day is about 10000 steps.


I am glad to hear you are determined and I would just encourage you not to give up.  Hopefully some of this might be able to help you,


Good luck



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Make sure you are eat enough protein a day and drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water or 80 ounces which ever is the most.
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Hey Little Shadow:  Sounds to me like you are doing great!  A Kg is 2.2 pounds, right?  When I pick up a 2 pound bag of something, or walk around with a 5 pound bag of potatoes to represent the weight I have recently lost, I am amazed at the burden that represents!  I found that it takes several days for the body to adjust to overeating or undereating, a change of exercise or any other drastic change like that  The body is wise, and protects itself from any extreme change -- a lot of bodily functions are involved in weight loss and muscle or tissue building and fat loss.  Think about it -- our bodies are amazing, intelligent instruments that we need to honor without punishment of undereating or overexercising.  And so much of weight gain/loss has to do with water retention of lack of proper hydration.


Be patient with yourself.  Be kind to your body.  Get enough sleep, include healthy fats, raw nuts and seeds in  your diet, eliminate sugar, flour and empty calories.  Natural foods help maintain a steady blood sugar -- there are so many components to fat reduction and building a healthier body!  Make every bit count in good nutrition and nourishment.  I have found those ideas to be some of the most productive in making bodily changes, and it has taken me years of practice and study to discover some of them!


Don't give up -- you are worth it! 

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Excellent advice!  Thanks to all who contribute, but especially those who are advocating a clean, healthy, natural diet as opposed to calorie counting and frantic exercise.  These are important, too, but I agree that what we put into our mouths is much more relevant to fat loss and a heallthy body and mind.  My own body has forgiven me for a few "holiday transgressions," but now I am more than ready to get back into strictly into wholesome foods that make me feel better, look better and give me emotional balance as well as a normal body size.


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can anyone give me advice on how to change my diet to a vegan diet , slowly ,..the more i learn about the vegan lifestyle the more am convinced that its the right way to be eating ,,,but  having grown up eating meat its kind of hard to imagine never eating meat again. i love fruits and almost all vegetables so i know i can do this and i know it will help me immensly as i am on diabetic medication for type 2 and my doctor says this vegan/vegetarian lifestyle will be so good for me ... i also need to lose 20kg so i really need help.. i walk mon to sat approximately 7km . i started seriously in jan 2015 and i have lost about 12kg ...but i have been stuck at the same weight now for about 4months , and the Christmas holidays havent helped much either ....Smiley Sad  so well i need help ..and advice  ... 

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I hope you remember to eat lots of veggies!!!  Orange and green are very good for you. I have only been using the fitbit for about 2 weeks and my favourite part so far is logging my food not only so I can see how many calories I have left for dinner, but because it shows the percentage of carbs and protein etc. that my meals consist of.

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I heard once that "man" is supposed to eat veggies and not meat. I am not agreeing with that, as I am a meat eater. I do want to point out that there is a lot of advertising on tv for meat and fried foods and not much for eating veggies. I try to eat a salad at least once every other day. Since I have lost 80 pounds I have maintained my weight loss but it has not been easy. Being mentally attacked all day with fried food ads, it takes a lot of mental thinking to focus on eating healthy.

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My math must be off: you are running about 6 miles in 25 minutes...that's more han12miles per

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Who is running 12 MPH? That is pretty fast. Must be going downhill?

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I have read actual scientific studies numering in the thousands that contradict the book you are espousing. Please attach a link to an actual study.

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If you figue this out please let me know as I am in the same boat! Starving and exercising like crazy and maintaing my weight

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Find a good cook book that is vegan and explore a new recipe every week.

Good luck

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