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CANT lose weight

Hey everyone,

I am feeling a little down today.
I've had fitbit charge hr for the past month. Nonetheless, I have been trying to lose weight for the past 1 and a half. I started with 86kg and I am now at 74.3 kg. Its been 1 month amd a half that I have reached my goal (running for 25) and No change has come to my body. I have lost 5 cm on my belly, but my weight has not changed for the past month. I eat only healthy stuff and have been doing a deficit of 1000 calories with the hope of losing 2kg per week (fitbit app deficit goal)

Can anyone help me please? I dont know whats wrong...
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Nothing you said changes the fact it is simple.

No, not everyone is lying to themselves. Most will have a very hard time getting honest with the truth. I think I was honestly looking for the truth and just hade not found it. There is so much crap out there I think very few people ever really find the truth. I also think most have been lied to so much that they have a hard time seeing it. They want it to be more complicated than it is.

Don't get me wrong the Diet world, fitness gurus, B.S you see on T.V are culpable for the obesity problem in the U.S. The public for the most part has the best intentions. The others are just out for the big bucks.

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@healthsidekick wrote:

Nothing you said changes the fact it is simple.

No, not everyone is lying to themselves. Most will have a very hard time getting honest with the truth. I think I was honestly looking for the truth and just hade not found it. There is so much crap out there I think very few people ever really find the truth. I also think most have been lied to so much that they have a hard time seeing it. They want it to be more complicated then it is.

Don't get me wrong the Diet world, fitness gurus, B.S you see on T.V are culpable for the obesity problem in the U.S. The public for the most part has the best intentions. The others are just out for the big bucks.

I think we're finally in agreement. 


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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Try something different then.
Stop eating dairy for a few weeks if you can, and see what happens.
There are some high fat foods that you can remove from your diet. I've seen a person lose 20lbs in about 3 weeks just by taking dairy and sugar out of the diet.
Walking is good, if you walk like you're late for something. Intensity should be moderate to high. 7-8 on the 'perceived exertion' scale. Add some Nordic Walking poles for a boost in your caloric burn.
Personally I would never promote a thousand calorie per day deficit. You need to eat good food. For weight loss, eat 1200-1500 calories per day. Just make them all fat free. Instead of reducing calories IN, increase calories OUT.
Also watch out for foods that claim to be "healthy"! Food industry is tricky and will lie blatantly to get you to buy their food. SUGAR is a killer, overworks the liver, and adds calories EVERYWHERE. Even inflammation!
Check ingredient listings on food. Anything ending with "OSE" is sugar! (fructose, glucose, lactose, etc)
Don't COUNT what you eat, just eat good, REAL, organic fruits & veggies. There's LOTS of different kinds so you won't get bored.
Stay positive! This won't happen overnight. Don't weigh yourself too much. Your clothes will tell you more about your weight loss anyway.
Good luck! I'm rooting for ya!!! 🙂
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@juicysgot wrote:
Try something different then.
Stop eating dairy for a few weeks if you can, and see what happens.
There are some high fat foods that you can remove from your diet. I've seen a person lose 20lbs in about 3 weeks just by taking dairy and sugar out of the diet.
Walking is good, if you walk like you're late for something. Intensity should be moderate to high. 7-8 on the 'perceived exertion' scale. Add some Nordic Walking poles for a boost in your caloric burn.
Personally I would never promote a thousand calorie per day deficit. You need to eat good food. For weight loss, eat 1200-1500 calories per day. Just make them all fat free. Instead of reducing calories IN, increase calories OUT.
Also watch out for foods that claim to be "healthy"! Food industry is tricky and will lie blatantly to get you to buy their food. SUGAR is a killer, overworks the liver, and adds calories EVERYWHERE. Even inflammation!
Check ingredient listings on food. Anything ending with "OSE" is sugar! (fructose, glucose, lactose, etc)
Don't COUNT what you eat, just eat good, REAL, organic fruits & veggies. There's LOTS of different kinds so you won't get bored.
Stay positive! This won't happen overnight. Don't weigh yourself too much. Your clothes will tell you more about your weight loss anyway.
Good luck! I'm rooting for ya!!! 🙂

While some of this is good information, I completely disagree on a few things.


@juicysgot wrote:
For weight loss, eat 1200-1500 calories per day. Just make them all fat free.

Just a big no for two reasons.


Healthy caloric intake is also dependent on caloric output.  If you exercise more than a little bit, your required intake to function (let alone repair) would be higher.  You can't set a number or even a range and expect your body to deal with it.  You will lose muscle mass and your body will do its best to conserve energy, meaning you won't end up losing at all, or you will take in excess calories (if your activity is low) and gain weight anyway.  That's the whole point of owning a Fitbit - so it can tell you just how much you should be eating to keep up with your activity level.  If you're not going to change your eating based on actual activity and just set a number, why bother spending money on it?


And fat free is a really bad idea.  First, fat is not bad for you.  Certain types of fat are junk, I agree, but your body and brain need fats to function.  Cutting fat out of your diet will not cause you to lose the fat on your body any faster as long as intake stays the same.  It's true that fat has 9 calories per gram as opposed to 4 for protein or carbs, but it's also more satiating so you don't eat as much or want to eat again so soon after.


@juicysgot wrote:

Don't COUNT what you eat, just eat good, REAL, organic fruits & veggies. 

You've said this before, and it's really problematic.


If someone is trying to lose weight and it's not working, then just from a purely scientific standpoint, it's good to know what they're doing so they know what they might be doing wrong.  Collect data then make a conclusion.


Eating lots of vegetables is generally a good thing.  Not getting enough protein is a bad thing.  Not getting enough fats is a bad thing.  Eating too much fruit and not enough vegetables is a bad thing.


There's just too much that can still be wrong, and since the advice is not to collect the data on it, then it's hard to figure out what needs fixing when they still aren't losing weight or something else goes wrong.


I'm not saying we all have to log every bite for the rest of our lives, but when people are confused as to what is going wrong, it's a good idea to document what is actually happening to see what changes make a difference and which ones don't.


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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When I say fat free, I guess I mean EXTRA fat. Like don't live on ice cream and coffee cake. 60/30/10 is the basic split for carbs, proteins, and fats in a healthy diet. Plant based foods have plenty of proteins. I've been on a vegan diet for 6 months. Lost 20lbs in 3 weeks from this change. No extra fat in this diet as I'm off oils. No meat.
I am also a fitness trainer, teaching 15 classes a week. If this diet was deficient (I eat 2100 calls a day), I would not be able to work. I just wouldn't have it. I have not lost muscle tone, only fat from this diet. Not for everyone, no, but some things are just common sense.
I realize the body needs fat. Just not excess fats or sugars.
The reason I say don't count it, is bc for some ppl that can be added stress. Stress doesn't help with weight loss. It adds inflammation to the body and messes everything up. The stress of counting calories in and out can be detrimental.
Sure, document your changes. Give everything at least two weeks to work, but don't make it stressful. It's NOT difficult. Just eat right and move.
Don't know what we disagree on.
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The only disagreement was not counting (which is counterproductive until things are working well and you can tell from experience what will help or hinder that), not changing caloric intake based on activity levels, and the idea of avoiding fat.


But you say you do eat fat.  Thank you for clarifying.  I took issue with telling someone to "Just make them all fat free!" because, without context, it sounds like they should choose fat free foods.  And they generally replace fat in foods with either artificial flavoring, thickeners or sugar, none of which are all that great.


But if you would say eating an avocado is healthy, then we're in agreement on that issue.


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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Losing weight is an up and down thing. Don't get down on yourself. We only have one life. Learn to love yourself as you are and just work on losing the pounds 1 by 1. I look in the mirror every day and say I to myself "I love you just the way you are." All is well with you. You are gaining muscle and sometimes that it seems that you are not getting losing because muscle weights more. You are toning up. You are fine.


Just Me,



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Much more needs to be said about whole foods.  It's amazing how many people buy into the diet processed food industry, or for that matter processed foods in general.  Have people forgotton how to eat simple food?  I think so.  

I use these Debbie Meyer green boxes which are terrific for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh.  It has some type of lining in it that retards ethylene gas production which happens when the vegetables rot.  You can keep lettuce fresh for about 2.5 weeks!

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People make the mistake of belieiving eating whole foods or low carb or all the other B.S the diet world puts out is going to make you thin.

The grace of God and foods you love to eat makes you healthy and at a weight you feel good at. Not white nuckling eating some way someone else tells you to eat because they tell you "caveman eat this way or some other B.S"

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@healthsidekick wrote:

People make the mistake of belieiving eating whole foods or low carb or all the other B.S the diet world puts out is going to make you thin.

The grace of God and foods you love to eat makes you healthy and at a weight you feel good at. Not white nuckling eating some way someone else tells you to eat because they tell you "caveman eat this way or some other B.S"

"Cavemen eat this way" is just another way of saying "eat whole foods" and that's honestly not too weird.  Unfortunately paleo and primal got attached to a stupid caveman idea ("Would Grok eat it?"), which meant the "whole, natural foods" idea got left in the dust by critics.  But there's really nothing bad about thinking food straight out of the ground or fresh off the hoof is somehow better for you than a strawberry Pop Tart or even a heavily processed, sugary fruit cup.  It's not rocket science to think one has more nutrition per calorie, so it would be a better choice.


Certain foods (generally high carb) will cause you to become hungry sooner than other foods (usually high fat or fiber).  So eating 100 calories of white rice will have you wanting to eat again much sooner than 100 calories of avocado.  This has been known for decades, and actually longer than that.  Remember the old adage about eating chinese food and being hungry an hour later?  That's where that comes from - white rice and sweet sauces, which are usually what Americans (not sure about other countries) eat when they go to a chinese restaurant.  Blood sugar spikes, then blood sugar drops, and then your brain tells you that you need food to bring it back up again.


I think a lot of people here found themselves overweight, either a little or a lot, by eating foods they love to eat.  It's not really that simple.  I love me some red velvet cake, but that doesn't mean it's going to make me any healthier.

FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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I see more people fat and twisted trying to diet and eliminate foods they love.
I love me some cake and I eat it everyday and it translated into me losing 40 pounds and keeping it off . You know why? Because I have a way of eating I love and enjoy and it includes cake. People thinking that eating certain foods make them fat is the opposite of the truth. They are fat because the eliminate or deem certain foods bad and then when they eat them have the mentality of screw it and eat all they can, because this is the last time they can eat it. I can eat cake today, tomorrow and the next day.
Eat like a caveman, sure if you love doing it, but if you don't you will get fat again if you lose any weight at all.
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@healthsidekick wrote:
I see more people fat and twisted trying to diet and eliminate foods they love.

Yeah, but is that cause or effect?


Are they dieting because they're fat, or are they fat because they're dieting?


Most likely both.


I do eat differently now.  I have been primal and it worked well for me.  I was healthier and down to a really good weight.  I could never be paleo because Cheese is very important to me.  🙂


But I can't do it now because of the mental side.  I already have a bunch of foods I can't eat because they give me migraines - dark chocolate, cured meats like bacon or most beef jerky, anything cooked in wine - so adding in the list of forbidden foods with paleo or primal is just more than my head can live with.  I just try to eat more natural than not and don't freak out when I don't.


So I absolutely agree - you have to do what's good for your body, what's good for your head, and what you can realistically maintain without making it a huge part of your life.  If you completely eliminate a food and then crave it constantly, you're better off just eating it occasionally or in small amounts.


FitBit One
"You should really wear a helmet."
5K 9/2015 - 36:59.57
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Please add...need encouragement!!


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Hey there,  you really sound like you know what you are talking about.  I hoping you can make some suggestions for my eating.  My plan is pretty boring.

Breakfast   = 6 strawberries,  1/2 cup egg whites, 1 egg, 1 english muffing with butter,  I had pepper and onion to the eggs.

Salad -  Grilled chicken strips and Romaine lettuce with Italian dressing,  1 small cottage cheese or greek yogurt.

Snacks  1 apple in the am  and 1 in the pm with 1 wedge Laughing cow cheese. 


Dinner is a grilled chicen breast and 1 bag frozen vegetables - Birds'eye

I snack all day and eve on salted sunflower seeds.  I tend to stress and boredom eat and this tends to help keep me away from the candy dish,  But I am feeling like this may be what I am doing wrong,  really salty. 

I go to power yoga classes 2 to 3 days a week,  get my 10K steps daily,  and weight lift 2 times a week for 40 min. 


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are you just on here trying to convince people to use your program or are you actually here to help as a fitbit user?

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People forget, you did not gain the weight overnight, and you will not lose the weight overnight! A simple fact is, if you put in 3000 calories, then to loseweight you need to exercise to the tune of 5000.  I have used the rule, lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. Set your goal small and you will always feel the acomplishment. Don't give up, grab your sneakers and go for a walk. So what if you have that cherry pie, exercise it off. You did it, now fix it. Keep reminding yourself, you are an athelete, and you train like an athelete, and before you know it you will see the pounds come off. Losing weight is a full time job. If you are starving, then eat, but eat right. Fill up on fruits and vegetables and some protein. You can, and you will do it. I lost 100 pounds thinking like this, and I had my problems. But I never let it get the better of me. Good Luck and Don't Quit!



Moderator Edit: Format.

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Don't give up. You're probably exchanging fat weight for muscle weight. Keep up with the healthy diet. Healthy, not starving. There is feast or famine settings that your body goes through. If you starve yourself, you body will go into famine mode and try to store every extra bit it can into fat to help you survive. I would keep eating but exchange foods. Personally I have found the use of a meal replacement shake very helpful. I choose one that is raw vegan and full of healthy materials. All organic nonGMO and so on. Read ingredients and stay away from sugar. Let me know if I can help you more. I would live to share how I have changed my life style for the better.
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@Aqua671 wrote:
Don't give up. You're probably exchanging fat weight for muscle weight. Keep up with the healthy diet. Healthy, not starving.


It would be so great if it was possible for people to gain muscle that fast to actually mask fat weight being lost.


Sadly it's not anywhere nearly that fast - not based on the limited info given for stats.


Plus you'd require a progressive overload weight lifting routine to even gain muscle at top speed - which isn't happening here.


Just want to point out that while the phrase sounds encouraging "gaining muscle losing fat" - the criteria for that to actually happen is almost never known in routine of one needing encouragement, and if it is known they are rarely accomplishing it.


But very true on not making it extreme diet, but healthy reasonable sustainable diet.

Help the next searcher of answers, mark a reply as Solved if it was, or a thumbs up if it was a good idea too.
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Heybales - I know you are very helpful in this group and give some great advice- but the comment above might be mistakenly taken by some to mean exercise is not worth doing because you would have to go to extreme measures to get results. I agree with you that muscle cannot be built quickly but those who do not do the reserch might not realize that even if you are not building a lot of muscle you are still losing inches off your body which is what we all want. Exercise will do that. Some are just looking for an excuse to not exercise and would prefer to blame their often imagined slow metabolism - lol. I think you will enjoy this study. I encourage everyone to read it - the charts alone really tell the story.


Effects of the Amount of Exercise on Body Weight, Body Composition, and Measures of Central Obesity

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please go troll elsewhere

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